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Kadan Young


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I think he'll do well on loan - he's a powerful direct winger with a turn of pace who has worked hard on adding some end product to his game - I think he's ready for senior football somewhere and I think he'll add a bit of excitement to someone's eleven.

He's a bit different to some of our other wingers in that he's not the type that wants to stop you and do a lot of tricks - he's not without those, but he's a player who beats a man with pace over five yards - that little burst is something a lot of players never have - in the right system he'll do well.

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He's very naive, he's the sort who will either go out and just 'get it', do what he does best and take League One/Two by storm or will go from the odd sub appearance to not making the squad.

Will be interesting to see, he's got all the attributes to be a top level player but whether he will ever be remotely consistent is the big question.

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I see he's in another first team "training" video from this week, along with Kellyman Patterson Borland and Wright in goal. Trust me don't watch it, they just stand around and do a couple of warm up jogs!

Clearly very talented for Emery to be picking him on the bench at 16 just a few weeks after he walked through the door. When he gets his chance I hope he smashes it and comes into contention at Villa in future.

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1 hour ago, fightoffyour said:

Loan to Dortmund, take him over for the friendly and bring him back next year when he's ready for the step up to us.

They've already got bynoe gittens 

There's a few teams that could potentially take him though including some big ones in the bundesliga 2, without actually checking I'm sure schalke took reiss nelson on loan from Arsenal at a similar age 

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Posted (edited)

He's improved a lot since coming back from injury, previously he was obviously very talented on the ball, but would seem he would wait for the game to come to him rathr than the other way around, now he gets much more involved I would be surprised if he got a loan straight to the Bundesliga though, would be doing well to get a Championship loan, I would have thought maybe League One more likely initially

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