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i was walking around the cemetary this morning

and i saw 4 pall bearers walking with a coffin

i thought nothing of it of course

then an hour later i saw them again

and i thought - these bastards have lost the plot !

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Paddy was walking home late at night and sees a woman in the shadows.

"Twenty quid" she whispers.

He'd never been with a hooker before, but he decides what the heck, its only twenty quid. So they hide in the bushes. They're going at it for a couple of minutes when all of a sudden a light flashes on them, it's a police officer.

"What's going on here, people?" asks the officer.

"I'm making love to my wife," Paddy answers indignantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," says the cop, "I didn't know."

"Well," Paddy says, "neither did I until you shone that light on her face".

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paddy and mick are staggering home after a night drinking when they come to the bus depot paddy says to mick " lets steal a bus and drive that home " " good idea " says mick, after two minuites paddy runs over to mick and says " mick i cant find the number 12 " " dont be an idiot " barks mick " we'll steal the 23 and walk home from there "

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- If your nose runs and your feet smell, does this mean that you built upturned ?

- If money is the root of all evil, why do all churches ask for them?

- If a deaf person is in court, it still called a hearing?

- If your plan is not to having a plan - you have a plan then?

- If love is blind, how can you believe in love at first sight?

- If you spend your days with nothing to do, how do you know when you're done?

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If you spend your days with nothing to do, how do you know when you're done?

when a big skinny bloke in a tatterd hooded black robe shows up holding a letter and some farming equpiment

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Rich Man & poor Man

A rich man and a poor man were drinking in a bar.

Rich man: Ya know what I’m gonna get my wife for Christmas?

Poor man: What?

Rich man: A diamond bracelet, and a new Mercedes.

Poor man: Why?

Rich man: So if she doesn’t like the bracelet she can drive her new car to return it.

Poor man: That makes sense, I think I’ll get mine a hairbrush and a dildo.

Rich man: Why?

Poor man: So if she doesn’t like the hairbrush she can go **** herself

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This really tough Hells Angel bursts into a bar and strides up to the middle of the bar. He orders a beer, gulps it down, turns to the people at the left end of the bar and growls "All you down there... You're all a bunch of queer cocksuckers!"

He gulps down a second beer and turns to the right side of the bar. "You're all a bunch of stupid really bad people."

All is still for a moment until a little guy at the right end gets up. The Hells Angel says "Where the **** you going?"

The guy says "I'm at the wrong end of the bar."

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A 6 year-old black boy is sitting on his proud uncle's knee one summer evening. The boy says "Uncle, why do we have black skin?" His uncle replied, "So that we don't burn so easily in the hot African sun."

The boy then asks, "Uncle, why do we have such a big, wide nose?" His uncle replies, "So, that when we are running to catch our prey in the hot African climate, we don't run out of breath".

The little negro boy then says, "Uncle, why do we have such long legs?" His uncle says, "So that when we are being chased by lions and tigers, we can run fast to the next tree and escape them," he answers proudly.

The little boy, looking a little puzzled, then asks, "Uncle, why do we have this funny black curly hair on our head?" His uncle replies, "Well, son, when your up that tree escaping the lion or tiger, it will keep the hot African sun off of your head."

The little boy stops to think for a while and then asks, "Then Uncle, why the **** do we live in New Orleans?"

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