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Tbh there is only one man that could even test him. Unfortunately for Dana, he is DREAM's biggest asset.




Would have been very illegal in the states though.

But yeah, Aokis ground game is probably the worlds best and would pose a problem. Dream has a deal with Strikeforce so we might see him in a cage stateside.

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That roundhouse was right on the money. Nice fake to the body to set it up as well. I was watching that fight completely off my noggin and i couldn't believe that someone could inflict such a big wound on someones head with a roundhouse, he's going to need a lot of stitches in that!

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That roundhouse was right on the money. Nice fake to the body to set it up as well. I was watching that fight completely off my noggin and i couldn't believe that someone could inflict such a big wound on someones head with a roundhouse, he's going to need a lot of stitches in that!

It looks like he made contact with his shin. Nasty.

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That roundhouse was right on the money. Nice fake to the body to set it up as well. I was watching that fight completely off my noggin and i couldn't believe that someone could inflict such a big wound on someones head with a roundhouse, he's going to need a lot of stitches in that!

It looks like he made contact with his shin. Nasty.

That's your thai boxing roundhouse for you, they teach you to land with your shin, shins are hard and feet are fragile.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was it a lack of cardio though? He ended the fight strongly, and Evans if anyone looked to be tiring by the end of the fight. It just seemed to me that Rashad could take Silva down at will, when he was fresh and that essentially won him the fight. Neither did much damage to each other.

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Was it a lack of cardio though? He ended the fight strongly, and Evans if anyone looked to be tiring by the end of the fight. It just seemed to me that Rashad could take Silva down at will, when he was fresh and that essentially won him the fight. Neither did much damage to each other.

As shown by Tegis' gif, Silva put the chicken dance on Evans (and he admitted it rocked him bad) but instead of KTFOing him he just stood back/still and taunted him while breathing heavily through his mouth giving Rashad time that he shouldn't have had to recover.

He didn't end the fight strongly workrate wise, he just let his hands go and had some success with it instead of effectively creeping around scared of a takedown that he couldn't prevent anyway (see rounds 1 and 2 for illustration).

He needs to do some of that Wandi suicidal snorkel training.

PS. Have you tried that? My legs actually collapsed underneath me after 10 minutes. Not doing it again.

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Well, I absolutely can see your point, but it works both ways. I guess Evans wore him out in the first 2 rounds, for which Silva spent a fair bit of time on his back, which has to be pretty exhausting.

You hint that Silva was reluctant to 'tee off' on Rashad, in part, due to the fear of being taken down. Perhaps that's an area of his game that he need to work on. Either way, both are good fighters that I enjoy watching.

I grew a soft spot for Rashad after watching TUF Heavyweights. I would love to see him KO Rampage.

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He would take such a pounding off anyone who didn't box with him.

My favourite part:

Dana - "You know how to check kicks? You know how to do all that?"

Toney - "I can do all that. Front kicks, back kicks, all that... side check kicks."

Dana - "Errm..."

Bwahahaha :crylaugh:

I hope he signs him on a 2 fight deal, small fee to show with a massive win bonus and put him against Roy Nelson twice just to take the piss.

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Just got through the massive Dynamite 2009 vid. What a freak-show :lol: The japs sure can entertain but some of the matchups.....Mousassi vs Goodridge and Overeem vs Fujita :shock: Thats almost criminal intent.

Low point of the whole thing was Aoki, classless git after that (impressive move) brutal armbreak. Hirota being too tough for his own good.

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I wonder what this announcement is going to be that will blow our minds at WEC 46 tonight??? Probably be a major let down... Whenever Dana says he has a big announcement it always ends up being a let down..

More than likely be announcing Vera v Jones on versus.. Yet we all know thats gonna happen anyway...

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