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Storm in a Goldfish Bowl


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An alternative view on the so-called rigged FA Cup draw.

I read JC's article with interest. I've seen the pictures on the internet of the draw and the 24/25 balls.

All I can say is that in my view a tabloid paper has done well for itself in generating a story out of nothing.

But of course, as with any conspiracy theory tales, it seemed to generate a life of it's own. It was picked up by the local Birmingham paper and fans gave their views. It might be hypocritical for a website contributor to bemoan the tendency for the media to want to fill their pages and airwaves with the views of fans, but it's getting daft.

We're in the situation where a non-story has led to pages getting filled with quotes from fans about how terrible it all is.

Sorry, but that's just not "news". It's filler replacing journalism. Where's the investigative spirit gone? No need we just read the internet these days, cut and paste, article written. Now off to the pub.

JC put his view well, but I think it's misplaced.

a rather huge, elephant sized mistake has been made by the Football Association – and it is up to us, as Villa fans, to make sure that it is rectified.

Give over, John. "elephant sized mistake" - really? Ant sized non-story I'd call it.

it is now very clear that an error has been made in the draw, and it is no longer valid.

Manchester United were given the ball number 24 to represent them. Yet the ball number 25 is drawn out against Villa.

No. To my eyes, and many many others, just not so. You get some reflections from studio lights, but the ball drawn is 24. A grainy you-tube video doesn't make it not so, as a fact. That's not a mistake, it's a quirk of the light.

I'm all for fans campaigning against issues that they feel are wrong in the game, whether that be corruption, ticket prices, over-zealous stadium licensing jobsworths, kick off times, greedy chairmen, agents...the list is endless, but tabloid "filler stories" with no foundation other than some reflections from a studio light?

Sure it's a long shot that we keep being drawn against Manchester Utd. But that's the story, not "cover ups" and shennigans".

Was it Sammy Nelson who drew the ball out and is said to have then covered it up? this the player who bared his, er, cheeks, to the Arsenal crowd long ago, when playing for them. If he can't keep his posterior covered up, could he really cover up a dodgy draw on live TV, for posterity?....

John's on much better ground when he says I’m not worried about playing Manchester United. Aston Villa can beat anybody at anywhere

But then asks for the impossible The F.A need to either show proof that it wasn’t a mistake and simply ‘covered up’ by an old timer who was embarrassed and not being able to recognize a number correctly, or set the fixtures to be the correct one.

How could they "prove" anything. All they can do is look at the high def TV pictures, check it out and find that....it was actually all OK and above board. Which is what they've done.

Finally, John says One thing is certain. If a satisfactory explanation and result is not given, I will be regarding this tournament as void and will not be going to the game – and I suggest that you save your money from the F.A’s pockets, and do the same thing.

Fair enough, each to their own and all that, but it's the clubs who get the vast majority of the gate money, not the FA, and what the FA do get again much of that 10% goes back to the FA Cup pool. So, very misdirected, I feel.

Having said all that, I hope the next draw is improved so that people can see better. We used to jokingly think old Bert Millipede had it in for us Villans when we got a lot of away draws over a decade or so - the days of the velvet bag, and alleged "hot balls" and Bryon Butler on a monday lunchtime from Lancaster Gate on radio 2. It's clearer now. It's on the telly.

The FA can balls things up in so many ways, they're experts, but they don't need a conspiracy to do it, they have a gift for it.

Still, I confessed to hypocrisy at the top, and I've proved it by filling an artile with more guff on a non-story. Can I get an NUJ card now please, like proper journos have?

Next week's conspiracy theory:-

Steve McLaren is alleged to have been "any good" and thousands will immediately prove he wasn't....Oh, actually....

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Why has a separate thread been started for this? :?

Because it's a front page article.

I look forward to seeing the headlines in the papers tomorrow "Villa fans say it wasn't a mistake after all!"

edit: ace signature by the way

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Why has a separate thread been started for this? :?

Because it's a front page article.

I look forward to seeing the headlines in the papers tomorrow "Villa fans say it wasn't a mistake after all!"

Depends if they want to pick it up. Did the tabloids reverse their claims?

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Well done to Blandy for writing such a long piece on the subject. I don't think I'd have bothered though TBH. The time it took to write that you could have been doing something a little more important, like picking the fluff out of your belly button.

Really, the thing was cleared up on SSN almost immediately, the balls were called correctly.

End of. What more is there to say?

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Finally someone talking sense on this issue. This 'story' was utter nonsense from start to finish and I am surprised so many people got caught up in it.

Too true!

Still, what do you expect from papers like the Daily Star?

Utter drivel!

Drawing United at home could be a classic way to start the campaign, and hopefully not finnish it!

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