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My early enthusiasm for this game is vanishing pretty quickly.


I'll put it out there, but single player is actually quite shit. It's just not fun.


I'm still enjoying the online "challenge" element of the game, i.e. time trials vs other clubs and your friends. Not drifting though. What's the point? Grow up and drive a car properly.


I'm not sure time trials are enough to keep me interested for long though.

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I've not played since I've found my top 50 in the world times seem to have disappeared when viewing the top times on my mates ps4. After that I thought what was the point in trying to get the best times.

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 Not drifting though. What's the point? Grow up and drive a car properly.

I absolutely despise drifting challenges in racers. Feck right off with that nonsense. Using it as a corner technique is fine, but to be forced to do it is irritating as hell

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Same, I hate it.


It sort of fitted in on games like Need For Speed where it's all based around street racing.


But on a game like this, which is supposed to be a proper racer, it's rubbish.

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It's also pissing me off that half the challenges I'm being sent require me to buy a new car.

Not in game buy. I mean actually pay some actual, real life, money to buy.


**** that.

Edited by Stevo985
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Played some online races last night for the first time and they were a lot of fun. I'll be doing more of them for sure.

The races on the proper race circuits are way better than the tight windy tracks.


I think online the cars seem a lot more stable. So when you get tapped by some dirty bastard you don't just go spinning off. Which makes it more forgiving.


Online isn't half unstable though. I was playing with my cousin. We were online for at least an hour and managed four races. We were constantly getting separated or disconnected from lobbies.

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Anyone know what the different colour smoke means at the side if the track? Nothing showing up on Google.

Agree with Stevo that I'm not sure it's going to keep me interested long term. I'm about half way through single player mode and haven't really done much online stuff yet.

Anybody else find that there's not much difference between the cars in each Category? Can't say I notice the difference between a Ferrari California and the M3 other than engine note?

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I don't think the smoke means anything. If it does it's nothing obvious.


The coloured flags, however, relate to the severity of the corner, although that seems to vary between countries. A green corner in scotland is different to a green corner in Canada, for example.



Online is way better than single mode. I'd suggest you try some of that. So much more enjoyable.

I think the single player on this is pretty crap to be honest. I've never played a racing game where I'm pleased that the next event is a time trial rather than a proper race.


As for the differences in cars, I think you're right. There are differences, but Driveclub strikes me very much as a game that wants everybody on a relatively level playing field. No tuning, little customisation, just player vs player.


But honestly, get online and play some online races and challenges. Way better than single player.

Edited by Stevo985
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

How does Driveclub define an attempt at a time?

My cousin plays, and he always sends me challenges. Problem is, he's really good (or rather, he's much better than I am) so I never even get close.


Last night I FINALLY beat one of his times, but it genuinely must have taken me 50 laps, maybe even more. I was playing for about 2 hours constantly


So I was feeling a bit sheepish as he'd be able to see how many attempts it took.

But when it came up, it said I'd had 14 attempts. Which sounds perfectly reasonable! 


(It also said he'd made 4 attempts, which made me want to kill him)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i had hi hopes for this game, i even bought it the driveclub ps4 edition, but i just cant get into it, graphics are good, but the driving is like every other driving game, abit bland, as for the drifting, what drifting, its impossible to drift, even on drifting races, the cars are too sticky to the track


same goes for the crew, i was excited about this game, but again, hugely disapointed, id say id like to team up with others on both games, but nobody is playing them

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I play when I get a chance to have more than 30 mins per session.  I do enjoy Driveclub and admit drifting isn't easy but keep trying as once you get the hang of it its great fun.  BTW multiplayer on DC is sooooo much better than offline.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We offloaded our copy pretty quick smart after review, but given the work that's been done since I decided to pick it up again this week. Vastly improved although I know nobody else playing it now do the whole club aspect may as well be nonexistent

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rumours of a Motorstorm ad-lib coming to DC soon - gimme!! Oh and the replays look fantastic. Surely nobody can knock the post release support this title has received.

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