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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. Erm, I can! If there's any justice we'll go down? Why? Because we have a shit manager and players who aren't playing to the best of their ability because they're uninspired by our shit manager? It's a ridiculous statement. It makes it sound like Aston Villa F.C have done some harm to people, or gone on a murdeorus rampage or something. If there's any justice? What a stupid thing to say. If there are three worse teams than us in the league come the end of the season then "justice" will have been done. We don't deserve to go down any more than any other team down at the bottom of the table. What a crock of shit.
  2. Such a good show, Charlie Day and Danny Devito are class in it. On a side note, it is pretty funny, because Mac and Dee from the show are actually married in real life. Yup, and Charlie Day is married to Mary Elizabeth Ellis in real life who plays the waitress who Charlie is obsessed with throughout the series, except she has a thing for Dennis. Just another funny bit of trivia.
  3. Good for you. However, with the economy the way that it is, some people have to scrimp and save as much as they can so they're really not thinking about the future of the high street. I suppose one possible outcome from all this could be that with less physical stores around, online shopping will become even more popular than it is now, meaning that more online companies could be set up which will create jobs.
  4. I was saying to my friends the other day when this advert came on about how much funnier it would have been if it had been Steve Tyler. Or maybe both of them could be in it, a father-daughter haircare advert.
  5. You guys know that it originated as a film with Billy Bob Thornton right? If you haven't seen it then you really should, it's brilliant and has a fantastic soundtrack done by Explosions in the Sky. EITS also had a song featured in the first episode of the first season of the TV show if I remember correctly. Both the TV show and the film are excellent. Yep, and a book before that. Will watching the film spoil the series? I'm honestly not sure, but I think that the movie is essentially very close to the original source material of the book whereas the TV show is just inspired by it. The TV show has fictional characters which bear a similarity to the real-life characters in the film, but essentially their stories are pretty different. There's a lot more about relationships between teammates, friends and romantic interests in the TV show. I've only seen 6 episodes of the first season of the TV show though so I don't know if they'll have the same ending, but either way considering it's five seasons long compared to the two hours or so of the film then it's going to be a lot more detailed. I suppose if you can watch the all of the TV show before you watch the film then you'd be playing it safe though.
  6. I'm watching about 3 episodes per night before bed on my Netflix free trial and I'm up just at the end of Season 3. I'm loving it, it's definitely my kind of humour.
  7. *leans forward* Tell me more. I don't know much more but this should give you more of an idea.
  8. You guys know that it originated as a film with Billy Bob Thornton right? If you haven't seen it then you really should, it's brilliant and has a fantastic soundtrack done by Explosions in the Sky. EITS also had a song featured in the first episode of the first season of the TV show if I remember correctly. Both the TV show and the film are excellent.
  9. Ginko

    General Chat

    I think it's perfectly acceptable to support two teams when they're in different leagues, especially when one is your local team. I was born into a strict villa supporting family. My older brother is the eldest grandson and he decided to support Liverpool. Me being the second grandson, I don't think they wanted to make the same mistake! Every other grandchild that's come after me is a strict villa fan too. Even if I wanted to support another club I know that I couldn't. I can't stop feeling miserable when villa lose and elated when we win, it's not a choice for me, it's just part of who I am. That's not to say I don't like to see other teams do well. I would say I support Burton Albion too since they're my local team, but if ever Villa and Albion were to be in the same league then Villa will always take priority. I can accept the fact that kids change their team, but anyone in their teens or older who does so is pretty shallow in my opinion.
  10. I was really disappointed with Any Given Sunday. Considering the cast and the director I expected much better. It really did nothing for me. As far as films about American Football go, Friday Night Lights is far better (the film I mean, although the TV show is much more enjoyable too). Sky Plussed Last of the Mohicans last night though, I've never seen it but I love Daniel Day-Lewis and I've heard nothing but good things about the film.
  11. Yeah the Gargoyle is the big boss for that area and the monster down by the Blacksmith is well known for being an utter bastard too. Absolutely do some grinding. Have you found the BlacK Knights at all? The first is in the Undead Burg just before the Taurus Demon fight on the narrow walkway, the road splits off and down to the right and that's where he is. There's another one up a tower just before you get to the Armoured Warthog area and then I think there's one in the Undead Chapel but he has a massive shield. They give you a lot of souls but they can be very tricky to beat if you're not a high enough level. Having the Drake Sword will definitely help. Just out of interest, did you find that out by yourself or did you, like me, find it on a forum? I can't many people find out how to get that sword. I could imagine people doing the thing you need to do in order to get it but I can't imagine too many people sticking with it long enough. It took me ages! Anyway, I grinded a fair bit and took down all of the Black Knights. Then when I was confident I took on the Gargoyle and I managed to kill him first time. It was touch and go at the start of that fight. I was a bit careless and got hurt quite badly but I got a lucky heal in and after that I was justa lot more careful and took him down. After you defeat that boss, that's when you're supposed to head on down to the area past the Blacksmith I think. I also think I heard that you can actually run past the monster down there without killing him if you want? I could be wrong though. Heard about the crazy speedrun some guy did? He completed the game in 1 hour 26 minutes. However, he didn't kill all the bosses, which apparently you don't have to in order to complete the game, but he certainly took down some of them. It's very impressive.
  12. I have Any Given Sunday on Sky Plus ready for tonight. Can't wait.
  13. Ginko


    My wang > Numberwang > All other wang
  14. What class did you opt for? I went Pyromancer but I've only got as far as defeating the Gargoyles. I wasn't sure where to go after that and I got distracted by other games which is a shame because Dark Souls truly is awesome. Also, which gift did you choose? Apparently the director of the gamestrongly suggests you should pick the Pendant despite it having no obvious bonuses. It ties into the story somehow if you find the correct place in the game world or talk to the right characters or something like that.
  15. I watched it and it was good but I didn't think it was fantastic. There were a couple of parts where he sounded quite insensitive when he was talking to the guy and making jokes. I don't think he intended anything nasty by it and the guy took it as a joke, it just seemed a bit unprofessional is all. Personally I much prefer Louis Theroux.
  16. Agreed, and I'd also say that if you don't really know how the development process works then it's easy to dish blame. Nobody mentioned the term QA until I did but maybe I took it more personally than intended. I'll have to give that link a read though, I have no doubt that there are various situations in there that I've experienced and there are plenty of devs that I've worked with who have a god complex and that surely a lowly tester couldn't possibly be correct. Unfortunately I'd have to break my NDA in order to tell everyone about them though.
  17. He's a good actor for a young lad and doesn't do a bad english accent since he's American. Anyone remember seeing him in Batman Begins? He's the kid who gets left on the island with Rachel and all the Arkham inmates. He's not how I imagine Joffrey to look however. He's quite a strange looking kid and Joffrey is supposed to be tall and athletic for his age and incredibly handsome. Neither of which Jack Gleeson is. He does a good job though.
  18. As a games tester, I get annoyed when people blame it all on QA. The fact is, a lot of bugs get found but don't get fixed for one reason or another, normally due to budget and time constraints/lazy programmers.
  19. Agreed. I got bored very easilly with San Andreas. GTA 3, Vice City and GTA 4 were much more enjoyable.
  20. Ginko

    General Chat

    Have a look here: http://www.nctj.com/ Many publications in the UK prefer an NCTJ qualification. Often university courses are accredited by the NCTJ but you can do a distance learning starter course for a lot cheaper. Have a look on the website and see what you think. I was thinking of doing something similar myself. Also, there's plenty of books on Journalism about so maybe think of looking around for one of them. A lot of it seems to be based on law but it's quite interesting. Either way, buying a book to see whether or not it's the sort of thing you definitely want to do is a lot cheaper than enrolling on a course only to find it wasn't what you expected.
  21. Ginko

    General Chat

    Hey, if people dish it out, they have to take it too. Ah well, I'm sure he'll get over it by going on their sail barge over the weekend. I hear the Great Pit of Carkoon is just beautiful this time of year.
  22. Ginko

    General Chat

    Ha, I think lava lamps predate 1997!
  23. Ginko

    General Chat

    I always wanted a lava lamp, best I ever got was a plasma ball for christmas. Then when I was 15 my mum came in to clean my room and dropped it and it broke. She did not replace it. I'm going plasma ball and lava lamp shopping in Brum tomorrow, I have just decided. Does anyone know a place that sells these items?
  24. I got the seasons 1-6 boxset of House yesterday in the post. Fifty quid for 131 episodes of a great show.
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