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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. Ginko

    General Chat

    You know, looking at the past couple of pages, I really don't know why some posters in the TTPYOTS thread think that General Chat is just filled with smut and lewd behaviour
  2. We didn't play Barcelona football under O'Neill but he got results. The fact that he got results and McLeish hasn't is the reason fans are against McLeish. Were the majority of fans against Houllier because he had managed SHA too? No of course they weren't, it was because he wasn't getting results (and a few other valid reasons too). Whereas I'm sure there's a small minority of fans who dislike McLeish because he is from SHA, the majority don't like him for plenty of other valid reasons.
  3. I'm not sure I understand your quandry really, but either way, the more angry you get about stuff like that, the funnier your co-workers will find it and you will just get even angrier when they laugh, a vicious circle. I don't think it's normal to get so upset over chocolate
  4. Q: Why didn't the lifeguard save the hippie from drowning? A: 'Cos he was too far out maaaaaan!
  5. To be fair, that is something that SHOULD piss you off :winkold: Perhaps we should take off the last couple of words of the thread title.
  6. You're right and it was a big fear of George R R Martin's when he was approached to make them into movies, which is why he went for TV instead. I watched the first season before I read the books and found it a little tricky to keep up with all of the characters and who was who. After reading all of the books to date, they're so much more detailed and helped me to understand the TV show a lot better. Obviously there are differences between the books and the TV show but the first season remained relatively faithful when it was clearly very difficult to do so. From the trailers I've seen for Season two however, something made me think that they've maybe skipped some stuff from the second book and gone onto the third but I could be totally wrong, it's been a while since I read the second and third books to be fair. I'd whole heartedly recommend reading the books though. I realise some may not want to as you may want to be surprised from watching the TV but for me that doesn't really matter, I love reading books and there's just so much more detail in them that the TV show just can't show unfortunately.
  7. I'd be interested in that. Specifically towards the gaming part. I'm thinking of doing an NCTJ qualification in the near future so this would be good experience and a lot of fun!
  8. Just like us humans do, right? Hence why I always carry some Durex Play and Polyfiller wherever I go. You just never know.
  9. Ginko

    General Chat

    Did the Canada goose used to play ice hockey? I wouldn't bet against a canadian hockey player.
  10. Ginko

    General Chat

    If I had a nickel for everytime I was told as a kid in the park not to go near the swans or they'll break my arm, I'd have been a very rich kid. What is it with a swan's obsession with breaking your arm?
  11. Maybe someone should make a 'General Smutty Chat' thread and then General Chat can revert back to normal with talk of wine tasting, dinner parties and what art exhibits you're going to this week? :winkold:
  12. Ginko

    General Chat

    It's ok, he had a rich, full life and died doing what he loved.
  13. Ginko

    General Chat

    Is it just swans you hate Gareth or all large water fowl? I think most geese are assholes if I'm honest. We had one geese at work that someone affectionally nicknamed 'Mardy Duck'. He had a fowl temper (didn't even mean to make that joke) but he did chase this one moron I work with all the way down the drive as he was cycling past him which was funny. Unfortunately, there is a large main road just outside of work and as I was driving out of the gate one day I saw him there splattered on the roadside. I guess he decided to chase one car too many...
  14. Ha, if you're worried ME:3 is going to take over your life, playing Dark Souls isn't really a good alternative! Fantastic game though. Speaking of ME:3, I'm still half playing the first Mass Effect but I'm really not enjoying it too much. Storywise it's fine, gameplay not so much. I just don't have the urge to want to play it. I'll push through eventually though. I'm quite near the end so I should just plough through it and start on ME:2 which sounds like a game I'd prefer to play. Apart from that I haven't been gaming too much, and I have plenty to be getting on with. This week, I have been mostly playing... Journey.
  15. Fatal Frame a.k.a Zero a.k.a Project Zero? Did you have a camera and you had to take photos of ghosts? That was on the playstation though I think.
  16. Ginko

    General Chat

    Ah ok, fair enough. The twins must have been freezing!
  17. Ginko

    General Chat

    ...but you were topless?
  18. Which begs the question: Which is the coolest mod who will do that for me?
  19. Ginko

    General Chat

    So Baselayers, if your video wasn't porn... what was it?
  20. Ginko

    General Chat

    Funny, I always thought if we had a pornstar on VT that it would be Richard for some reason...
  21. Ginko

    General Chat

    Well it's good to know some girls aren't horrified by the prospect. I always found it funny how a lot of girls get offended by being in the 'spank bank' but if a girl ever told a guy that she thought of him, it's one of the best compliments you can get!
  22. Ginko

    General Chat

    As a huge fan of the band Death Cab for Cutie, the lead singer of which was married to Zooey Deschanel, until recently unfortunately (Ben Gibbard), I would have liked to have seen that sex tape for various reasons.
  23. What kind of crazy ass supermarkets do you go to? It's always staff announcement in every one I've been to and the one I worked in as a teenager.
  24. What's the source for that DVIN? I#d be a little sad to see him go but I assume there's going to be a huge revamp in the squad over the summer and getting a guy supposedly on 80k a week off the books is probably something we're looking at.
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