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Everything posted by Delphouneso

  1. Not letting me pay for this on mobile, anyone know if you can buy it after the game to get access to the replay?
  2. The Killcams always look dodgy because they're sped up by about 30% so people's aim often looks snappier than it actually is. Nonetheless as @Milfnermentioned when you're forced to play in PC lobbies there's always that uncertainty. I don't doubt the cheating problem stretches further than obvious aimbotters, I imagine there's tonnes of people just using wall hacks or 'soft' aimbot that go completely unnoticed. I haven't played much since the update but you can have multiple gulags now? Also the current gulag layout is so one sided, they claimed to have fixed the balance by removing the car but now the opposite side is way more powerful.
  3. WZ is in an awful state atm. Yesterday's 50gb patch basically did nothing but re-introduce old bugs and break a load of weapons. Somehow the FFAR/AUG still haven't been nerfed, they're the only guns anyone is using. And if the leaks are to be believed the 'new' map is just a 1980s re-skin of Verdansk. Game's been a complete mess since the CW integration and they seemingly can't/won't get on top of it. But hey, there's a new reactive MAC-10 skin in the store..
  4. It's likely a couple of injuries will be the deciding factor anyway, particularly this season. Though Gary seems hell bent on reuniting the old gang and taking as many 2018 WC players as he can, I've no doubt if fit Henderson, Dier, Trippier, Lingard, Rashford all go despite question marks over all of them. He couldn't recall Stones and Lingard quick enough and Dier would still get picked if his foot fell off.
  5. There's definitely more goals in this for us.
  6. I thought they were working on a J&D remake for PS5? Or was that just a rumour? Edit: Quick Google suggests it was just a rumour.
  7. Would you believe it, a £20 FFAR bundle..
  8. Leeds to beat Chelsea this weekend and move onto 58 points.
  9. Yeah this is completely where I'm at, but maybe I'm just not as forgiving, particularly with the performance issues and bugs I've had. It's not just the soundtrack for me either but the sound production as a whole on this game is great, the ambient atmospherics, the tape recordings, the radios and radio stations, it's all done brilliantly. I genuinely really like everything about the game.. except the gameplay, hence my original point about it maybe making a better TV show than a game. It's like JJ Abrams took a a bash at a superhero story, a kind of Lost/Fringe/Captain Marvel mash-up only I'm playing the lead role when I'd sooner just sit back and enjoy. I felt myself rushing through areas and bypassing enemies because I just wanted to progress to the next story point.
  10. Also my game is bugged so I can't complete Arish's 'Put a Record On' mission, it just keeps putting me in a standard expedition (and the mission never completes which is infuriating), and those things are difficult, particularly if you roll a nasty modifier like -50% energy, as I did first time.
  11. Honestly I'm not trying to flex, and I'm not great at video games (I am just coming off getting platinum on Bloodborne though.. and that is a flex, I earned it) but the only bosses that took me more than one attempt were Tommasi (3) because the invisible enemy jumped me a couple of times until I learned to just go ham on Tommasi and ignore everything else, and Anchor (4) where all my deaths were from falling off the platforms because I'd just picked up levitate and hadn't got the hang of it yet and kept accidentally releasing it thinking I could double jump. This is probably why I didn't struggle, and found it repetitive. I like to go all in on damage at the expense of HP/defence when I'm playing any game with RPG elements so I pumped every point into launch/energy early on, and it's just ridiclously powerful so the game just becomes R1 spam until you run out of energy. I'm usually the kind to min/max my stats/weapons in games like this, I love the idea of all the weapon types and mods, but actually I've barely touched them. I got a level 2 +34% damage mod for grip early on and that's still what I'm using, and I just use it as something to do while my energy regens. Some real variation would be amazing, so I could do a playthrough with a launch build where I prioritise launch damage / energy / energy regen at the expense of defensive stats, or a melee build where I could focus on melee damage / killstreak buffs / dodge mods, or a gun build, a tanky shield build etc. But there isn't really any specialisation, you can unlock every ability in one playthrough, and most of the mods are just clutter. Not to mention the gun combat is pretty damn clunky, melee combat is a complete non-entity, and as above launch is just far and away the best ability. The whole mod system feels kinda similar to the Division, only the Division did it better, and that system was far from perfect.
  12. There's so much to like about this game, but it just never quite hit the spot for me. It looks brilliant, technically and stylistically. The soundtrack is great. There's some really interesting concepts, an intriguing story, with tonnes of detail to pore over. However despite all the various weapons and abilities I just found the combat somewhat unsatisfying and repetitive, the enemies and bosses lacked character and difficulty, the menus are cluttered and cumbersome, and on a base PS4 the performance is pretty bad. On the whole I'd say I enjoyed playing through it, but I find myself thinking maybe I'd have enjoyed watching the TV show more.
  13. Bertie really needed to step up today with both Jack and Ghazi out, and he didn't. Trez is a great defensive wide player, love his enthusiasm, and he occasionally finds himself in good positions, but he's no more an attacking threat than Neil Taylor. Ross did nothing to aid our creative output when he came on either and losing Sanson's busyness handed control back to Wolves. A point's not a bad result when our only attacking threat was our striker creating chances for himself, Ollie did give it a damn good go mind.
  14. Yeah I don't disagree, if we go with a five (and let's face it Gareth will go with a five) then he's a shoe in. But in my ideal squad, playing the formation I think England should play, Saka doesn't get in as an orthodox LB, and he's in competition with Sterling, Foden, Sancho etc as a RW.
  15. Pretty much this but I'd probably start Walker, TAA has been awful this season. I'm not sure Saka makes the squad either unless we're playing 3/5 at the back (which unfortunately we probably will be), I imagine it'll be Shaw and Chillwell fighting for the LB spot in a four, but I'm hoping Targett can get himself in the conversation, Chillwell is struggling to get games for Chelsea at the minute which could play its part.
  16. Ref was awful, for both teams, don't think he got a decision right all night. We desperately miss Matty Cash, maybe even more than we miss Jack.
  17. In fairness to Leeds they did breathe an enormous amount of fresh air during that game, which I'm led to believe is the leading metric in deciding how to attribute the moral victory.
  18. I hope we're 1-0 up after 42 minutes, because that's all that matters in football, they give you the result after that apparently.
  19. One that actually loads properly on PS4 would be nice.
  20. Disagree, maybe I'm a bit blinkered because we won but I actually thought the ref was decent yesterday. Tried to let the game flow, was fair to both sides, booked players for petulance/dissent, and yeah if Mike Dean reffed that game it would've ended 10v10 but I don't think it was a game that warranted ending 10v10. Or maybe it just felt like the ref was decent because VAR wasn't the centre of attention for a change.
  21. Agreed, I was reluctant to include him for that reason (see also: every Michael Shannon character), but he made it for having a great smarmy pr!ck face.
  22. Anyone played by Liam Neeson. Skylar in Breaking Bad. Franny in Homeland. Arlo Givens in Justified. Charles Logan in 24. Pete Campbell in Mad Men. Paige in The Americans. Probably loads more if I spent time on it.
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