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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. Lambert's position is untenable. He doesn't even look like he is interested when on the touch line.
  2. There were rumours 2 to 3 years ago that Lerner was looking for outside investment, could it be that the interested parties changed tack and made a full offer or Lerner changed his mind when interested parties showed an interest and decided it was time to go.
  3. I see you are a fellow user of Pushbullet - fantastic little app.
  4. I dont doubt that there are moves for a takeover underway as its obvious that lerner wants out however there are few things that Admin has posted on TBAR which dont sit right. Firstly when he first broke the news of a takeover he mentioned what the budgets for players would be and the manager that was being lined up - now I am sorry but there is no way in hell that he could possibly know that, its not something that would have been discussed prior to any takeover. Secondly he then announces the 2 names of the Texans who he claims are bidding only to have to go back on that by announcing that other parties have thrown their hands in too. So now he doesnt know who is buying the club which makes his first statement about budgets and managers nothing short of utter bollocks. The other 2 who are adding fuel "Mysteryman" who I believe is an imposter and they guy from AVFCtransfertweets website he claims to have intimate knowledge of telephone conversations between Paul Faulkner and interested parties..... How? Did Paul tell him. Again bollocks. Any Villa Fan who thinks its clever or worse funny to go on any kind of wind up of other fans deserves to by hung from his neck on the Holte End.
  5. Anyone manage to snag an LG G Pad from Tescos over Easter at the frankly ridiculous price of £119.00. Totally pissed off I only found out about it on Saturday night and by then they had pretty much all gone.
  6. mykeyb


    Anyone with a Chromecast bought in the UK fancy £4.99 Google Play Credit for free. http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/128526-buy-a-chromecast-in-the-uk-and-get-4-99-free-google-play-credit?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social
  7. mykeyb


    So my Chromecast has decided to stop streaming any media from Plex but still can stream youtube and Google Play content, very annoying.
  8. That's so the image in the viewfinder is the same as the image the camera actually takes. I can't believe it took Google four years to put this into their camera app. The bar though is about 27mm deep on my N5 and it does make the image almost square which doesnt seem right
  9. Anyone with Nexus 5 had the camera update yet, its popped up on mine and put a big black bar at the bottom of the screen which acts as your shutter button but takes up an inordinate amount of screen space.
  10. Not wish to be pedantic but who are the top 4 who are sewn up. Man Utd have missed out and could struggle next year, Arsenal, Man City who potentially could have a player embargo with the FFP ruling? There will always be opportunities and the key is to be in a position to take advantage.
  11. So if Lambert was fully consulted, did he initiate this action or did come from further up and if Faulkner started who briefed him, was it team members or someone else.
  12. It is getting rather good at the moment but looking at the ratings across the pond its seems very doubtful it will get another series..........
  13. Cheers Steve, its only taken me 6 months ffs, cheers
  14. A question for Nexus 5 owners, do you have a contacts app as I havent on mine and in fact haven't since day one.
  15. mykeyb


    Like stevo said, SkyGo is free if you have a subscription. They've already separated delivery of programming from their boxes. It's only logical that they continue in the same vein by allowing casting. If the BBC can do it for content they broadcast, so can Sky. There's nothing forcing Sky to do this, but I don't understand them allowing tablets and phones but not casting. Logically you are right after all you can watch Skygo on your tv through a pc or xbox360, however when it comes to mobile they doing all hey can to ensure it stays on your mobile screen and no further
  16. mykeyb


    I don't see why it wouldn't happen. Sky don't have a competing product. Well you cannot do Skygo through Apple TV and you cannot download Skygo to any Tablet that supports HDMI Out, essentially they would be giving Sky Multiroom away for free if you could use Chromecast and I cannot see them doing that.
  17. mykeyb


    It will never happen but if you could cast Skygo that would would be fantastic
  18. Surely if he wasnt injured we would have looked to move him out on loan or transfer, just letting him bugger off to Miami would be just ridiculous...............
  19. Most of us do hope that Mr Lerner will be selling up, however the moment that Lambert signs a new contract I think it will be safe to assume we are going to be stuck with owner and manager for a lot longer than we would all hope for.
  20. Managers have differing abilities, Moyes did a job at Everton but they have improved under Martinez, Fergusons record at Man Utd looks even more impressive now that Moyes has taken the helm there. We could go either way should we remove Lambert but I cannot face another season of the crap which has been served up at VP.
  21. mykeyb


    I bought one last Friday, I didnt really need one so I suppose that says something about the pricing of it. I find it OK, it streams films very well in Plex and as I dont have Netflix at the moment the only other streaming I have tried is Youtube which again worked fine. The addition of Iplayer and BTsport will help its cause too. My daughter has one of the cheap Chinese android boxes which I bought her last year for £50.00 and in comparison to that is where the Chromecast suffers because it can stream Plex, Youtube, Iplayer, Demand 5, ITV Player and she can play games on there as well. Since you can buy these TV sticks on ebay for less than £30.00 and a cheap air mouse if I had nothing it would be an interesting decision to make.
  22. Saw one in Merry Hill on Saturday, beautiful looking phone, the camera does appear to be the one area it does fall down.
  23. Its interesting to see what Martinez has done this season at Everton with very little money, playing decent football along the way. Yes he started with a stronger squad than Lambert but I do feel Lambert has spent the money without a major plan of how to improve the squad, nearly 2 years in and the spine of the team is not that much better than when he came.
  24. But centerparcs is rammed outside term time and dead inside it. Why should they lower the prices that people seem perfectly happy to pay? If the terms were staggered more, the whole idea of competition between travels companies ensures prices will be as low as they can be. It's not like it's one entity that can decide arbitrarily how much they're going to charge. If first choice keep prices high, then Thomson will undercut them and so on. But being as terms need to be a certain size and having to coincide with Xmas, Easter and summer exams where are you going to get the flexibility to have these holidays. It could actually make it worse. Spread the holidays out more evenly and you could end up with the summer holidays being only 4 weeks long, how much of a premium will the holiday companies charge for those?
  25. The staggered holidays thing - how much flexiblity would you have. You could go to 4 terms rather than 3 I suppose but you have to factor in Xmas and Easter, and then all the schools in the local area have to sit the same exam on the same day at the same time. I dont think you could build in enough flexiblity into it, all that would happen is the holiday peak periods would become bigger and demand would still remain high. The irony of parents doing their utmost to get their children into good schools because education is important and then saying bugger that I want to go on a cheaper holiday so your going to have to miss school is just superb. I think it is time we looked at how we educate our children and especially look at schools term times as they are a throwback to victorian times and in all honesty maybe not fit for purpose in the 21st century.
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