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Everything posted by juanpabloangel18

  1. If Gyan wasn't a greedy fucktard, I'd say I told you so
  2. One things for sure, we need a win tomorrow night. If we lose 0-2, this will all seem laughable.
  3. been attempting to use the online ticket office all evening. It's ****.
  4. Also, does anyone on VT know Craig? We gotta get him on here.
  5. A highlight reel of Craig's best work
  6. Sadly you're right. Our fickle floating supporters are a disgrace Where's this come from? Anfield was like 35,000 the other night, lower than ours has been this season in the prem, right?
  7. hahaha look at the childish glee on Houllier's face. He looks like he just got a megadrive for christmas.
  8. To be honest, today's performance has possibly exposed myself as a fickle moronic football fan. I have expressed serious discontent with GH, given all thats happened. However, it's difficult to want to continue calling for GH's head after he somehow mustered a performance out of the lads like that. Spot on today, 4 centre backs did very well. Would've preferred some earlier subs but our bench was awful in fairness.
  9. That is one of my favourite 20 seconds of audio ever, absolute quality
  10. Went for Dunne, given the fact that he hasnt performed to that standard for ages. Well done lads.
  11. Just heard about this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1385826/ Another Philip K Dick adaptation - 'The Adjustment Bureau'. It's about predestination, and the 'agents of fate'. Matt Damon doing the lead. I'm officially intrigued.
  12. I thought it was about a little girl losing her balloon?
  13. District 9 was great until it turned into a tasteless goreathon at the end. Bout to watch Taxi Driver, never seen it.
  14. ''THEY'RE RAPING HIM!!!'' It really is focking shite isnt it.
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