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Everything posted by juanpabloangel18

  1. I'm sure Dennis Hopper learned his lesson when he died last year. wooops, make that Dustin Hoffman. RIP Dennis :oops:
  2. They've been on about doing the movie for years. I dont think it's going to happen. Shame it got cancelled. Love the chicken impressions they do! Tobias is a legend too! According to IMDB the script is now half done and it is scheduled for release in 2012 . The only reason its taken so long is because of Michael Cera's busy schedule! Good to see some love for AD, it is truly fantastic. Daddy horny Michael...
  3. When people as rich as Denis Hopper feel the need to tastelessly advertise sky tv
  4. We got incredibly lucky with two wins last year tbf, didnt play well in either match.
  5. Same, one of the greatest moments I have experienced as a Villa fan. Incredible atmosphere. Not a single song from the Stretford, as I recall. Not sure I can see us getting a similar result this time tho.
  6. Watched 'Exit through the gift shop' the other night, a documentary film about Street Art, made by Banksy. Rumoured to be a hoax. Either way, 9.5/10, superb entertainment, and really funny in parts.
  7. How many did we take last year, anyone know? Hopefully (for me) tks will still be going on jan 20.
  8. Not sure we'd have enough going forward in the centre, Bannan goes missing sometimes and Gab always ends up with the ball on the wings. Though we did OK today, Blues are much better in defence than Sheff Utd.
  9. avoiding a replay is the most important consequence of this result
  10. Deserved win against a poor Sheff Utd, despite what the pundits may say. Ref handed them two ways back in after half time. Decent performance, spells of good play, but much improvement needed for a win at SHA.
  11. cheers ref, single handedly given them a way back into this match
  12. Very promising spells, against a dire sheff utd. Midfield need to see more of the ball, as in the latter stages of the 1st half.
  13. still dont get this. should want us to win whatever game whatever the situation, its the only way we can improve. I should re-phrase, il obviously be supporting the team for the duration of the match, but should we lose, I wouldn't mind. Certainly not as much as the S'land game anyway. A draw is probably the worst result
  14. If I wasnt so concerned about what another loss would mean to already severely damaged team spirit, i'd want us to lose this. We could do without the extra matches in our battle for survival.
  15. ^ I know you support celtic, but please don't try and turn VP into an 80's Gay club.
  16. Draw a line Get KMac back for the rest of the season. Tactically no worse than GH, but the players will die for him.
  17. I wouldn't have a go for that, how did we do in the two weeks he was not here? home draw against bolton and last minute loss to stoke. what's the point? My point is why was he not desperate to get over here and get to grips with the team?
  18. He forgot: - delaying his arrival for 2 weeks for seemingly no reason, faffing around in France doing God knows what - announce upon his delayed arrival that AVFC are a '10-12 club' and that we are not respected in Europe
  19. I am coming around to the belief that Faulkner and Lerner are headless chickens at AVFC. They're not football people, and I dont think they know what they're doing.
  20. So naive of GH to play the exact same system as against Chelsea. What was originally praised as being a tactical masterclass from him now appears to have been complete luck. Get the guy out - he doesn't grasp tactics or motivation.
  21. So naive of GH to play the exact same system as against Chelsea. What was originally praised as being a tactical masterclass from him now appears to have been complete luck. Get the guy out - he doesn't grasp tactics or motivation.
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