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Everything posted by meregreen

  1. Just keep an image of that evil b******d Ian Duncan Smith in your mind. The thought of leaving the most vulnerable in our society in his tender embrace for another five years should make it a lot easier to place that cross next to the Labour candidate. It's isn't all about economics. It also involves compassion and caring for those in need, something that simply doesn't exist in the Tory party. Labour aren't perfect, who is, but they are the only real and viable alternative to the dreadful thought of five more years of Tory viciousness to the poor.
  2. Not sure that is true. There was a Private members bill last November which proposed exempting the NHS from TTIP. The Labour party fully backed this, declaring that the NHS should be removed from the proposed deal. Haven't seen anything to indicate that stance has changed. Nor would I expect it to. Labour still pro TTIP though. That in itself is a huge reason not to vote for them in my book. Given that every quote from Labour I have seen indicates Labour are opposed to TTIP. What have you seen that would indicate otherwise.
  3. Not sure that is true. There was a Private members bill last November which proposed exempting the NHS from TTIP. The Labour party fully backed this, declaring that the NHS should be removed from the proposed deal. Haven't seen anything to indicate that stance has changed. Nor would I expect it to.
  4. Yep. During the war. It was a National Govt.
  5. I suspect it's more hedging their bets than any sort of belief ... We've seen the way people like Murdoch and other businessmen switch alliegences once they see the way the wind is blowing You may be right. But that would paint our captains of industry as rather a shallow bunch. Most probably are. But I don't like to be too cynical, so I'll believe some aren't.
  6. Never watched the last leaders debates.And wont watch these if they happen. Dreadful American style political showmanship. Simply an extension of the charade that is PMQ's Planted questions, slogans and soundbites.
  7. No they don't have a monopoly, and I mentioned that the NHS is amongst the emotive of subjects. Greed and incompetence at the top is widespread. My previous employers died on their arse through stupidity whilst giving themselves fat payrises. I got out, but thousands lost their jobs. My current employers haven't covered themselves with glory, hundreds more out of work due to a large and rather obvious oversight, whilst pockets at the top were lined. No way to run a society. By Default You seem to be aligning bosses of companies you've worked with as the people running society and also Tory's ... Both could be true but equally both could also be false Like Trade Union Leaders voting Labour, and running a raffle for the miners, I'd say it's a pretty good bet. Care to offer odds Isn't the bloke that runs Sainsbury's a labour donor , Alan Sugar , Saatchi and Saatchi ... I'm sure there are more Sure there are a few, all credit to them for putting their beliefs ahead of their wallets. Respect for that. But in all honesty , I think it's not unreasonable to assume most if not all bosses vote Tory. We do live in a society that tends to run on tribal lines. Sad, but true.
  8. No they don't have a monopoly, and I mentioned that the NHS is amongst the emotive of subjects. Greed and incompetence at the top is widespread. My previous employers died on their arse through stupidity whilst giving themselves fat payrises. I got out, but thousands lost their jobs. My current employers haven't covered themselves with glory, hundreds more out of work due to a large and rather obvious oversight, whilst pockets at the top were lined. No way to run a society. By Default You seem to be aligning bosses of companies you've worked with as the people running society and also Tory's ... Both could be true but equally both could also be false Like Trade Union Leaders voting Labour, and running a raffle for the miners, I'd say it's a pretty good bet. Care to offer odds
  9. I don't measure a man on the way he looks, or eats a sandwich. I prefer to judge someone on their character and their compassion for those less fortunate. On those criteria I will happily give Miliband my vote. Cameron, as with so many Tories, pays lip service to caring for those in need, while at the same time sticking it to them. They are not called the nasty party for nothing. Its a tag thats well earned.
  10. Poor teams have won the cup. Wigan being the latest. Its a long shot that just got shorter today.
  11. If we sign another striker and if that striker is any good, then it will highlight just how mediocre Gabby is. Lets hope we get someone in before the deadline.
  12. Christ, they're falling like ninepins. The cups there to be won this season.
  13. Gabby and Weimann are still on the books. I assume this is one of the reasons we're not replacing them. You can replace them in the TEAM as opposed to the club.
  14. The sheer complacency at this club beggars belief. We desperately need two new strikers to replace the chuckle brothers, aka Gabby and Weiman. Big clubs do go down, wake up Mr Lerner, unlike you we have to watch this shit every week.
  15. In his last season in Italy, he failed to score a single League goal. He isn't the answer to our goal scoring problem. Still think he would be a better option than Gabby or Weiman though.
  16. Win, lose or draw. I would just like to enjoy going to Villa Park again. Watching Villa for 50 years, I have seen highs and lows, but the thought of watching any more of this guys feeble management is very depressing.
  17. Truly awful player. And getting worse.
  18. Good luck to him, we need a few more though.
  19. To put it bluntly, times have changed. The club isn't really a club any more, it's a private business who you give money to in return of tickets. No one from the club (that's important enough) will realistically meet with fans, listen and action what they have to say. By all means, if enough people do this, then something may happen, but you're going to need 10s of thousands of people to do anything and really, we haven't got the local fan base to do it. Times haven't changed, maybe some fans have though. Funnily enough clubs in 68 were privately owned, and we bought tickets in those days too. The board in 68 weren't falling over themselves to talk to us either. Your right we do need thousands to do something, care to be one of them? You seriously believe we don't "have the local fan base" to do it. It's all about money now, and the fans don't have enough influence financially to hold any weight. In the 60s the average footballers wage was £15-£20 a week. The average ticket was £1.50. Now the average Premier League player earns £25-30,000 a week, the average ticket is £40. Proportionally, 1 single ticket today is 750x less than the wage packet average players earn. It used to take 13 people to pay for a players wages. Now it takes 750 of us. Whereas being in the PL is worth roughly £100m a year in TV/rights etc revenue. No one would care if 0 fans turned up, as long as we stay in the PL. It all comes down to money, it all comes down to Sky, it all comes down to we can do **** all, unfortunately, as much as I WANT to agree with you that people power would work, it just won't. Your way out on your stats from the sixties. Top players earned a lot more than £20 a week. And I used to get in for 50p I'm in total agreement with you on the obscene amounts of money in the game today, and have always hated Skys malign influence with a passion. But I still think we count. Indeed without us there is no game worth a light. We can watch this club die on our knees, or stand up and be counted. Thats our choice.
  20. Thing is, what's needed is a change of ownership, not management. The owner is willing to sell but currently there's no buyer, so what is the point protesting against him? He owns it.But appears to have little interest in it. As for there being no buyer. Who knows what interest has been shown. Its all so damn cloak and dagger at VP. Change of manager is in my opinion even more needed than change of owner. The knuckle draggers have shown that even with a crook in situ, a decent manager can improve results.
  21. Aston Villa wasn't going for somehwere between £150-200 million in 1968. The game has changed, massively. Nothing will change till Lerner goes and Lerner isn't going anywhere for a long time. There aren't people willing to spend the best part of a quarter of a billion on a football club and then some to get us competing at the top again. As frustrating as it is to watch, and it was like pulling teeth at Leicester, you may as well save your breath, because its only being wasted. Rich clubs were around in 68. Its just the figures that change. We don't know what Mr Lerner is going to do. He never tells us. The manager can be changed. I love my club too much to save my breath.
  22. To put it bluntly, times have changed. The club isn't really a club any more, it's a private business who you give money to in return of tickets. No one from the club (that's important enough) will realistically meet with fans, listen and action what they have to say. By all means, if enough people do this, then something may happen, but you're going to need 10s of thousands of people to do anything and really, we haven't got the local fan base to do it. Times haven't changed, maybe some fans have though. Funnily enough clubs in 68 were privately owned, and we bought tickets in those days too. The board in 68 weren't falling over themselves to talk to us either. Your right we do need thousands to do something, care to be one of them? You seriously believe we don't "have the local fan base" to do it.
  23. I was there in 68. Villa fans then were not prepared to sit idly by and do nothing . We chanted" the board must go" at every game. We held demonstrations and held meetings, a big one at Digbeth civic hall. We all loved our club too much to watch it die a slow death. From those actions, change was initiated. We suffered set backs, but the seeds of a better club were planted. Doing nothing, will change nothing. Were Villa fans then, a tougher bunch, maybe they were, but this club is drifting, much as it was back then. An inept board, an uninspiring manager, a group of players, some of which are not fit to play for the club. There are those who believe that doing nowt, except turning up, not rocking the boat, and meekly accepting our fate. is supporting the club. We ALL support the club, its just that some of us are prepared to actively defend its future. The embers from 68 are still smouldering in my belly. Time to fan the flames again I think.
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