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Everything posted by villan-scott

  1. Got a high ceiling and a bit of a project player - worth a punt for the right money.
  2. Get this young man back into On Topic!
  3. Get Felix in a room with Monchi and Unai and there is only one outcome If Unai is keen enough to go back a second time he must rate him highly.
  4. Gave me a fuzzy feeling a Spanish welcome from Monchi, Unai and Moreno he should settle well you’d think.
  5. He’s probably on the training pitch with the team - these announcements always seem to take an age when you’re waiting for them!
  6. Seems pretty certain and not speculative. Saying is for sale rather than will listen to offers. Makes it sound like a conversation with Bailey would have been had. In usual Villa fashion though if he’s not in Unai’s plans we probably won’t be able to sell and he’ll be loaned out!
  7. ‘The Project and ambition of the club’
  8. Yeah got covered earlier. He’s a media guy at Villa. Does the interviews etc. was in Tielemans behind the scenes video as their interviewer.
  9. Nice. The chap in the pink shirt is the guy who does the interviews (did Tielemans interview, from the behind the scenes video YT shared). Nice to see Monchi at work too
  10. I thought that’s where his honeymoon was?
  11. What do we think normal process would be? Villa pick him up from BHX and straight BMH for the pics/formalities and announcement tonight?
  12. Don’t be shy @Vive_La_Villa let your inner weirdo run free
  13. We don’t care about your choice in neck wear - tells us about Pau!
  14. Not sure about the official headwear in the background.
  15. I have no idea to be honest. Very rarely watch BBC and never watch BBC Breakfast.
  16. Inconsiderate of Romano to stop tweeting and only using Threads that won’t embed. Anyway, Veiga movement expected now. I know we’ve been linked amongst 100 other clubs. Maybe, just maybe.
  17. I’ve transported my mind to a post Southgate world… it’s a good place!
  18. Piers Morgan would love it to be Dan Walker. He’s got some weird vendetta against him.
  19. Colwill is some player. If he stays at Chelsea I hope they don’t ruin him. Nailed on England centre back on the left side.
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