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Everything posted by suttonpaul

  1. If gabby is injured on Wednesday he should start maybe he puts in a decent performance ......
  2. Mancini is wank. Can someone explain to me what he did over and above all other candidates to get the city job
  3. To be fair poyet has been there for just under 30 games I think
  4. Could just talk about none takeover players in the Lerner thread
  5. Ah alright but only because you said end of story.
  6. Not to split hairs mr Putin but by that rational so is all of East Europe
  7. He's not Russian He is Russian. He's from Uzbekistan
  8. I find it hard to believe that you stay away due to one man and say league position doesn't matter. Its easy to say that now but if we were top you'd be there.You can believe what you like, why should I have to explain my position? I've attempted to do so because I want to, not because I feel I should. If I didn't care I'd keep schtum. I stay away because I don't feel it is right that we (baring in mind we ARE the club) should pay for his mistakes. On top of which, we were sold a lie, a "bright future", which has not and will not materialise whilst he is here. I don't hate him, I simply think his time is up and I refuse to line his pockets further. My position regarding Lambert is irrelevant, particularly since I've backed him all the way up until the recent loss to Palace. My comments are available for consumption should you wish to take the time to look. If not, hold the assumption. Man spends a quarter of a billion with nothing back and you say you're lining his pockets lol Btw I don't care if you buy a season ticket
  9. Not really, I doubt many people would have gone for the much-criticised 5 (or 3) at the back. Also many people were hinting that Holt should play, as it was unlikely that Weimann or Gabby were capable of scoring. The most obvious line-up would probably have been 4-4-3, Guzan, Bertrand, Vlaar, Clark, Lowton, Westwood, El Ahmadi, Delph, Gabby, Holt, Albrighton. Also no one, myself included, would have brought on Bowery when gabby had to go off. I thought Holt would have cone on but I'm glad to say own goal apart he did well and was involved in both of wiemanns goals. People mention it not being obvious but I think it's the other way round
  10. You have to pick up players who are outstanding in the relegated teams they can flatter to deceive. Pick wisely we can't afford duds ATM
  11. On loan without question. He's crap you don't care he plays up you send him back
  12. I love all this selling season tickets stuff as if that is the main revenue stream for the club like it used to be its tiny compared to TV money that's why what fans consider much smaller clubs earn pretty much the same as us.
  13. I don't disagree as such but most teams pack out the midfield and teams tend to play 4 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 In teams like this Bent is ineffective. under 4-4-2 he is very effective.
  14. I can't see the post as his account protected.... copy and paste please
  15. Best bet for where Darren bent will be next year is with us
  16. I will lol as I've said all along don't get your hopes up that someone like abramovich is buying us
  17. Pretend out never happened
  18. What's wrong exactly? Everyone who disagrees with him
  19. Haha that's a good post.Is there any need for these sarcastic replies BJ10? He doesn't understand football, what else can he do? For someone with a lack of understanding I've been right more than most. Keep believing though. In your opinion
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