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Everything posted by suttonpaul

  1. Lol whoops! Well comment aimed now at Richard then.
  2. They don't look stupid at all unless they are trying to look ITK over it as it is clear no one knows.
  3. Yea because I said that didn't I? Watch another sport if you think Lerner is worse than Ellis as you don't have a clue about football if you can't read the above and think what's the debate over a sentence like that.
  4. I said when this first came out it I was 99% sure it wasn't Ellison as I know for a fact he isn't interested in 'soccer' it doesn't 100% mean it isn't him, it was years ago I asked him and I am not ITK to know who is going to buy us so you may want to get off that very high horse there avfcgoodie.
  5. In the scenario you mention there I am sure 3 x 10 million pound players signed only would see us relegated. Oh yea lol
  6. Ellis who dismantled a European cup and league winning team got us relegated and never spent his own money? Yea ok.
  7. I didn't say he has to mention who just that they are selling.
  8. I disagree dukes their certainly is a need for them to say the club is forsale even if that is all they have to say
  9. an announcement is unlikely today.
  10. If we could get £9m for Andi, I'd snap their hand off Me too
  11. Accept your point, but 1981/82 is well less than "50 years ago" True enough but even that is over 30 years ago! Top 10 is where we are size wise we shouldn't pretend we are bigger than that. Of course if Ellison buys us and throws 500m at us we can argue we are in a few years legitimately When are you going to get your head around FFP? Some posters on this thread do not seem to understand the ramifications of it. I assume you are being ironic?
  12. Accept your point, but 1981/82 is well less than "50 years ago" True enough but even that is over 30 years ago! Top 10 is where we are size wise we shouldn't pretend we are bigger than that. Of course if Ellison buys us and throws 500m at us we can argue we are in a few years legitimately
  13. I agree with there fans I hate our fans who say 'our massive club'. We are a big club a top 10 in the country club we have a big amount of potential but it stops there take out stuff that happened over 50 years ago and our record is crap for a big club.
  14. Yea I saw this and the first thought was what a load of bollocks give us some real news on this and then I thought ah it's just them having a little fun no big deal.
  15. That's interesting especially as no one knows what's going on with the manager or ownership of the club
  16. Someone give me the shorthand of the last few pages.... Wtf?
  17. Jesus that would be incredibly messy ........a new worse case scenario for me I dunno fans think they can run the club better lol
  18. Bit pointless this thread at the moment. Nothing at the club matters from the manager or the result on Sunday only the statement at the minute
  19. He just meant it's an unusual situation that was the context. I think everyone else though feels the same spurs could win 5-0 all we want to know is what's going on
  20. It won't be long until people are carping on about this tank
  21. Isn't it obvious why? If you're selling a club then you get the books in order. Villa are a blank canvas at the moment. Perfect for a take over. The last thing a new owner would want is to come in and sort out a high earners mess regardless of their wealth. You don't get that rich by needlessly spunking money away. Having almost no big contracts to pay off is a lot more inviting than being left with a financial mess. Makes perfect sense to get the house in order. Then, isn't it obvious that if the "new" owner was waiting for the current owner to get his house in order then he isn't going to be the one spunking millions on us turning us into title contenders? If the "new" owner was waiting in the wings for a clear out then that tells me that we are going to have another Lerner in charge. Nothing spectacular, and nothing worth getting too exicted over. Don't get me wrong, I'd be glad Lerner is leaving but all this hype and excitment is very premature IMO. Why would a new owner want to pay off a number of contracts and then spend more money on new ones? They're businessman. It would decrease the value of the sale. Not sure why you don't see that, but horses for courses I guess. Just because these guys are loaded doesn't mean they throw money away. I see this perfectly well... I don't think you are understanding my point. A few people are getting excited by us being potentially bought out by a guy who has $11b in his bank. If this person was going to do something exceptional to us and turn us into title challengers he wouldn't be interested in getting value for money as he is going to be losing £100m's on the project anyway. If he is interested in getting value for money then he isn't going to be the one to turn us into title challengers and as such isn't worth getting so excited about... unless of course P3te's excellently written post and point above comes into play. Of course he wants value for money, just because he has money doesn't mean he is prepared to throw it away, it doesn't work like that. Man city had a financial plan in place, they didn't just throw money away for the sake of it. They spent heavily initially to get the ball rolling but the spending has tailed off. I'd be more concerned having some numpty come in and chuck money at because that is how we've ended up in this mess. Man City lost £60m a year even after you take into consideration their £400m sponsorship deal which is being paid for by the same family that owns Man City and has been done simply as a tool to navigate around the FFP rules. If you took this out of the equation their losses would be colossal. They will never make this money back and seem happy to consistently pump money into Man City and are quite clearly not looking for value. So, "of course he wants value for money" and "it doesn't work like that" isn't actually the case in all instances my friend. My point is quite simple... I wouldn't get too excited if we got bought out by a multibillionaire. If they were going to be interested in making us into a world force they wouldn't have waited for all cost cutting to take place. QPR are owned by one of the richest families on the planet, as are I believe Deportivo La Coruna. These teams aren't even in the top division in their countries and have no plans to do anything special. If we were bought out by a filthy rich man it seems clear to me it won't be as exciting as some people are hoping. This is the only simple point I am making. Just so you know it's a 10 year 350m deal so 35m a year for shirt and stadium sponsorship. The new utd shirt deal is supposed to be 60m a year to put it in comparison
  22. Ah by the way the whole amortization thing is pure stupid to include if it does include that I'm even more pissed off.
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