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Everything posted by PaulMcGrath_5

  1. Glad to see DM is high priority. Haven’t seen enough of Romeu to comment on him specifically though.
  2. You don’t keep going back unless there’s some encouragement being offered by either the player or potential selling club. Be very interesting to see how this plays out!
  3. Me again... Pretty sure we tried to but he agreed to give Norwich one more season.. Could be wrong though.
  4. Pretty sure we tried to but he agreed to give Norwich one more season.. Could be wrong though.
  5. Comments on this forum criticising people's physical appearance (Maguire and Southgate in the last few hours) is pretty rank, to be honest. Fair enough not liking someone's tactics or abilities on the football pitch but the childish name calling and "oh, he's got a big nose and is ugly" is pathetic. Sorry.
  6. I'd like to think Southgate is resting him as we have already qualified and then he returns for the knockout stages--silly old me.
  7. I got fooled by this one too. It's an "in joke"... Just roll with it.
  8. You taught him everything he knows anyway!
  9. Few rumblings on Twitter from River Plate fans that Alvarez is very close to being done. Example below!
  10. Age is just a number--you should know that better than anyone, Philosopher.
  11. McGuire is playing for Scotland, mate.
  12. In the same way someone might comment if they find a female attractive? The comments about the Home Alone actress yesterday being a case in point.
  13. It’s basically saying we want to offer £15million and playing with the Argentinians and Grealish is a big draw. p.s. I made all of that up
  14. This crossed my mind too. Striker far more of a priority for them than a LW/CAM.
  15. Calling someone a nonce because you disagree with a team selection? Yikes..
  16. Does he play as a 6 or 8 for Brazil, just out of interest?
  17. Think he is just making a Lens and Camera joke.
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