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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. Year old anything is a bargain when it comes to footy stuff. Can't remember the last time I bought a current season's kit. Actually... bollocks, I can remember. 200+ Euros on Fiorentina kits earlier this year. The missus was not happy. Best piece of merch I've ever seen is this, am currently mulling over it as it's now down to a mere 20 Euros... "Brennt" die Raute in Ihr Sandwich?! DAS IST WUNDERBAR! :shock:
  2. What with all the doom & gloom that's flying about I'd thought I'd treat myself; just bought a Trabzonspor 09/10 jersey with "Colman 20" on the back. This be the beast... The Turkish economy must be in a dire old way; with printing & shipping it came to just 65 TL, or £27 to thee and me. :shock: Might have to invest in a few more at some point. They may have dumped us out of the UEFA cup in '94, but they do love their claret & blue in Trabzon. Here's hoping they dick the Plop eight ways from Sunday in the Europa League this year.
  3. You Slut! - Pie To The Death-Faced Indie Kid ...followed by a bit of...
  4. I've got a much easier and far better recipe for you BOF that will require just the following: -1 telephone (mobile or landline) -1 Tandoori takeaway menu (delivery preferable) Simply add the number on the front of the menu to the keypad of your telephone, state the name of the curry you require and job done.
  5. I don't think his bread is buttered that side up mate. I'm sure he'd be flattered though.
  6. As much as I share the general sentiment towards not touching Eriksson with a barge-pole, I think Benfica and Lazio fans might strongly disagree with you there.
  7. VfL Wolfsburg are in talks with Juventus over Diego, with Zvjezdan Misimovic looking to leave Wolfsburg should the deal go through. We could do a lot worse than Misimovic if he's looking for another club.
  8. Jupp Heynckes. Former CL winner, already won everything in Germany with Bayern back in the late 80's/early 90's, knows how to revitalise/stabilise a club and has never managed in England so might fancy a challenge.
  9. Anybody want a bit of a giggle to cheer themselves up? The really funny thing is the Werder fans seem to think he'd be a good alternative for their DM position. I've seen one fan comment suggesting they should sell Özil and use the cash to buy Sneijder and Sidwell.
  10. I think it's safe to assume that the "no further statements" bit on the OS means the General won't be posting for a bit. MON may have had his detractors and shortcomings but I never pegged him as a bottler, ergo I can only echo what everyone else has said; something drastic must have happened. I don't think it's a simple as not being able to strengthen either, surely management would have stated what was available and what budget we would have to work with once the season had finished and if MON had had a problem then, he would have walked earlier. A few days before the season starts? Something **** huge has happened.
  11. Random trivia: Darude's "Sandstorm" and Bomfunk MC's "Freestyler" were produced by the same chap, Jaakko Salovaara.
  12. As long as they're happy to send either Bobô or Ismail Köybasi the other way then job done.
  13. Well if it were me and the lovely Miss Janssen, due to the rate of pelvic thrusting I'd die of exhaustion. Giggity.
  14. Youtube link? I think this is the right link, can't check it properly due to Websense but "Scissor Kill" would be an accurate description methinks.
  15. Famke Janssen in GoldenEye = the way I want to die.
  16. Surely there's nobody else on the planet that looks like Iggy Pop?! Deffo him though. Name on the opening credits was a dead give-away. Have spent a bit of time trawling through guest-star lists and it's terrifying how many people have appeared in the shows. Famke Janssen once played an intergalactic hussy who was genetically engineered to pleasure men. :shock: This has got to be one of my faves thus far...
  17. I had no idea until earlier today, but Iggy Pop was in an episode of Star Trek: Almost makes me want to forgive him for the insurance ads. Almost...
  18. UNKLE - Guns Blazing (Drums Of Death Part 1)
  19. Seen this live, it was AWESOME. The Metallica cover is an abomination against mankind though.
  20. All you need is here, 65kids.com collates pretty much everything they've ever done (including the rare stuff) and is supported by the band.
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