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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. I got so pissed off when I thought my horse had died. I wandered aimlessly for about 5 minutes and was so relieved that Capt. Horsey was re-incarnated upon whilstling that I cancelled my plans for a candle-lit vigil. Last night I had to use dead-eye to take down a racoon. :oops:
  2. You cruel bastard. He may be able to dodge bullets, but he can't dodge an arrow through the heart.
  3. Yes it was. Truly, they were musical visionaries.
  4. Keeping with my 'one year behind everyone else' approach to gaming, I've just started up on this. I'm about 9 hours in, taking the time to work through all the sidequests and as silly as it sounds, my favourite thing thus far has been hitching Captain Horsey (yeah, I named my horse 8)) outside the saloon in Armadillo, running to the balcony just above the hitching pole and vaulting over it straight onto the horse's back before trotting out of town with a swagger. Immense. **** cougars, though. :x
  5. I demand you are hereafter referred to as the above.
  6. It's generally not a well-received opine, I'll admit but dagnabbit I am steadfast in my hatred!
  7. I'll happily say it; if the self-important twunt hadn't topped itself nobody would care. Nirvana are/were ball-munchers.
  8. *ahem* Thom Lancastere, thank you very much.
  9. You're either clinically insane or a SHA fan (mind you, the two do go hand-in-hand).
  10. Because he would have told them Rooney's outburst was Stewart Downing's fault somehow.
  11. Niiiiiiice. I will get on Hello Nasty immediately. 8)
  12. I'm hoping for a Downing/Lazarus-like rise to prominence next season for Makoun. The ingredients are there, just needs to get used to being baked at a higher temperature.
  13. ITV seem to be playing it in all their ads at the moment. I don't have a problem with this.
  14. By that logic, Mark Crossley is the greatest keeper to grace the game.
  15. Dark (but don't tell the missus).
  16. ^I'll happily blow his trumpet too (giggity). Harmison Agonistes is brilliant.
  17. Not heard about Super 8, so I just went for quick read-up... It's Within the Woods!
  18. That's disgusting... I'm calling the Canine Defence League.
  19. This one might require more lyrical aptitude then the average football chanter possesses, nevertheless: (to the tune of Hakunamatata) Makoun-he-will-tw@-ya, with a two-footed lunge. Makoun-he-will-tw@-ya better get that magic sponge. So you'd best hurry or you won't walk for days, his jumper might be gay but he'll still make you pay Makoun-he-will-tw@-ya.
  20. How dare you besmerch the good name of Paul Johnson, sir!
  21. Hey, that's a good thing to be spending your money on though.
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