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Everything posted by OLDVILLAIN

  1. If the owners want to pump 300m into the club this season..than by all means take watkins for 20m..If not....dont sign him..benhrama the same..We cant be held to ransom for what in reality are 2 championship players.
  2. I really hope that next season smith will have realised that his best formation is not 4-4-3. He will have to consider 4-4-2 or 4-3-1-2 setup that will make us unpredictable and give us a chance to play 2 strikers. To be honest most teams knew before we did how we were going to set up and had us tactically beaten before the games even started.
  3. If we only sign one striker this season...and he gets injured..we will be in the exact same boat as we were last season (assuming davis is lent out and samatta is moved on)
  4. If watkins is signed as our main striker we will be in serious trouble next season and will not have learnt any lessons from last summer debacle
  5. HAHA they can stick their 50m where the sun dont shine
  6. Blinkered view of villatalk transfer forum.... "That (*insert player name here) is a great player (he plays in the scottish leagues and is a steal at 40m) may i add where scott sinclair was made to look like messi.. "i have not really seen them play before,But i have watched them on you tube and they look top class" hogan and samatta come to mind "He has great stats on fifa and besides he is in my fantasy football team" I will grab me coat now
  7. Watching Leeds content creators and reading leeds fan forums...they really are deluded worse than the dog heads.. They reckon not only they will stay up..they reckon big name players will come to them on the cheap and they will finish top 8 They are convinced that most of the players we have been linked with would rather sign for leeds...god i cant wait to thump them next season
  8. I am sure united will still come in for him later in the window..we need jack to sign a new 100k+ a week contract,we need to know he is ours for at least another season.
  9. Its clear we need 2 new strikers...If watkins at 18m is the cheaper option of the two we need, than i trust smith's judgement. People crying all season saying that "but such and such a player was not smiths signing it was suso" now watkins if it happens will be smiths signing..let the judgements begin
  10. Leeds Itk's are convinced benrahma is going to them...
  11. Man i would hate to be the brentford goalie...what a disaster lol
  12. I would never judge a player on one or two bad performances..not that he was really bad..just not his usual self
  13. Either was Konsa..he is now of course..but dean smith knew Konsa's qualities and i expect something similar in relation to benrahma
  14. We dont have that luxury..maybe when we are a settled premier league team..but now we need to have proven players to strengthen the current squad..we need experience and pace as we are very slow
  15. I have just realised that the A in cazoo on our new shirt is a car...mind blown..ok back to signings
  16. I have an awful feeling that our first signing will be so underwhelming compared to all the names linked in this thread. I see a few teams are trying to structure payments for incomings due to the uncertainty in the current climate,i wonder if this will be a factor for us as i honestly expected at least one sniff of a signing by now. I think it would be a real gamble for us if were to wait as opposed to getting our business done early..time will tell
  17. Had a Horrific dream last night..i need to stay away from villa talk for a while.. Suso left and he took all the parachute payments with him we had no money left at all..not a penny Davis was our main striker doris the tea lady replaced nyland in goal jeff hendrick broke his 2 legs in the first match we were relegated by october...
  18. Joe Hart Troy deeney Calum wilson jeff hendrick benteke dale stephens djemba djemba joe lolley inheacho Any and all burnley throw offs
  19. Brentford are a selling club..so i reckon they will sell benrahma to us regardless wether they go up or stay down...for a scandalous price may i add.
  20. Don Juan..is he a 40m striker? get him in!
  21. Yeah and then we will really be up shit creek
  22. maybe he could dig dale stephens out of julieB's basement
  23. With samatta up front to get on the end of every pass from our superstar wingers only to miss every header...
  24. She had 16 kids...so you could say she was proficient at scoring...yes
  25. It was a "B" team match....equivalent to our over 40s sunday league lol...my gran could score 10 there..nothing to see..except RHMs porche parked at the side of the pitch
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