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Everything posted by OLDVILLAIN

  1. Yeah he will be scouting for bench warmers...**** southgate
  2. Disgusting penalty awarded..sterling took the dive..nice way to qualify england..mockery of VAR and not even a pitch side monitor looked at,and dont get me started on him replacing super jack...
  3. I thought Traore just had a groin operation..is he available to start the season?
  4. I cannot see this..he is perpetually injured and we already have cover
  5. Grealish needs to start today...i can see sourgate being his ultra careful self and putting jack on when the horse has already bolted..
  6. Arsenal strongly rumored to have 250m this window to spend
  7. I just cant see arsenal selling him to us..as much as i would love him to develop at villa
  8. Its not as if we have not bought villa legends from river plate before....Rashica is dead...Long live Alvarez!
  9. Latest rumour on sanson is that he has turned into a nightmare to deal with and now the club want to move him on.. very strange and im not sure if i believe it but it came from a usually reliable source.
  10. The only way i can see this happening is if its a direct replacement for davis..just for 12 months whilst barry or young are being prepared for stardom up front
  11. This is one big smoke screen a la aston villa
  12. I volunteer to sit on his head..so he doesnt move during the teabagging! Weird villatalk fact...I was the ORIGINAL VILLALAD on villatalk until i changed my nick in 2015
  13. Villa need to sign a striker this window.Ollie is good and will improve again,but Wesley as his backup? I'm not so sure of that..its a big gamble again this window not to sign a forward..if ollie gets injured what happens if Wesley is crocked..we would be screwed
  14. Arsenal fans now convinced that they let buendia come to us because they are getting grealish....hahahahahahahahahah for 70m.....lol
  15. Villa are on an upward trajectory and arsenal are going down a dark road.
  16. Those miserable Arsenal clearings in the woods are convinced that perera is a done deal and buendia is "close".. Why would you want to go to a disaster club like arsenal? hope we stuff them both on and off the pitch One of the choice quotes from arsenal forums "why would beundai go to vile" " we are a massive club " and vile are a shitty small club".. lol the knuckle dragger could not even spell buendia...
  17. The next person that mentions CHRIS WOOD or MILOT RASHICA or CHRISTIAN BENTEKE will be summarily executed in JULIE B'S basement at 9pm tomorrow morning
  18. Everything is speculation until it isnt..can you see chelsea letting go a striker like tammy who is still in contract and now a verified CL winner for less?
  19. Grown men in here and i use that term loosely...fapping over rashica again for the 2nd year running.. Its like some mad cult...he aint coming to villa..and never was...good night vienna!
  20. I am not a fan of someone who turns down aston villa because "we were relegation fodder" then in turn he gets relegated himself..his coach says he is a petulant child and NOW he wants to come to villa......you couldnt make this shit up
  21. the guy is a donkey who is prone to injury..why the hell are people linking us to him again..much much better out there
  22. I have never heard of the country kosovo rashica...is it in the old soviet socialist block?
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