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Everything posted by Osirus

  1. Another for the highlight reel. Thought his kicking was poor but who cares, I love the guy
  2. Got closer to taking points off them than we normally do, so 10/10 for that Proud of the boys tbh UTV
  3. Playing really well, happy for Targett to get a goal Can see a red coming in the 2nd half (Zaha hopefully) as the refs not having the best of games, thought we should have had a pen for the first one on Watkins
  4. They’re more worried about their precious Stevie not making the grade and not getting the Liverpool job. Most of the lads I know want to succeed but can’t see why we’ve swapped him for Smith.
  5. Wasn’t particularly sold on the appointment, but got to back him now. Excited to see what he can do with the likes of Carney, Ramsey Bros and Luiz. Welcome Stevie, please don’t be shit
  6. Thanks for everything Deano. This man gave me my football club back and I’ll forever love him for that. Will keep an eye on wherever he turns up next as I have a massive amount of respect for what he did for us. Viva la Deano
  7. I've noticed he doesn't run, he waddles. He just looks easily bullied, he's not a bad player just not good enough for where we want to be
  8. Osirus

    Next manager

    i think we'll probably be looking at him IF Deano goes, I wouldn't be particularly happy with that - pretty underwhelming if you ask me
  9. Very very poor No fight or ideas, how did this team beat UTD away?!
  10. May as well put Carney on at this rate, at least he can create something
  11. Every first touch is backwards, we need someone to grow a pair and get on the ball in the middle
  12. Wished we'd gone to 4-3-3 but f**k it got to support the boys now 1-0 Villa COME ON BOYS
  13. Meh, you’d take 3 points from Spurs and Yanited away.
  14. Just watching the highlights of the U23 8-0, Caleb reminds me a lot of Kodjia (the good parts) Would be great to see him and Carney playing for us at the top level
  15. I was in their end for this (don’t ask) and heads were falling off big time WHAT A WIN, WHAT A TEAM
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