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Everything posted by est1874

  1. He does. I'm off-topic tbh but it's true nonetheless. Could be anyone
  2. The private jet from Venice landed in Birmingham. Just saying.
  3. For those seeking hope, this private jet seems to be destined for BHX
  4. Appears to be on the way to Plymouth Ultimate straw-grasping going on here
  5. "What exactly do you not understand about 'DOUBLE cheeseburger but hold the cheese'?"
  6. From that post alone I can tell that he's the discerning type.
  7. It is a bit mental that this fella has a 339-page thread here, but our star striker and record signing who just put 3 goals past Liverpool has managed a measly 177 pages Rashica better be the best bloody player we've ever seen in a Villa shirt at this point, if he signs. No pressure though, lad
  8. Sky worked very closely with a group of world-class engineers to ensure the window could slam shut without breaking.
  9. I was just going off this. Perhaps it's the way he's phrased it, but that reads very cut and dry to me.
  10. Godfrey is a good signing for Everton. We could sorely do with decent CB cover...
  11. Surely if Dean has said it's not happening then it's not happening??
  12. And that's fine, we've all been there, but the real problem is that this is what Sky have reduced punditry to. - What did you think of the game Patrice? - Can't talk about it, I love United. - Haha that's understandable. Moving on...
  13. Souness said that Lamela's behaviour was "a very Latin" thing to do. He's an embarrassment. Evra at his temperamental best. Directly after the United game he basically sat there sulking while the other 2 attempted to talk about the Spurs win. When it came to him, the anchor was quite sympathetic i.e. Patrice you must be hurting right now and I can see that you are, but let's talk about United for a minute. Evra then went on a barely coherent rant about "his team" that legitimately began with "I will terminate my Sky contract. I cannot talk about this game..." Essentially a symptom of the fact that Sky hire their pundits to be Alumni for their former clubs, rather than hiring them on merit as good analysts of the game. Even a Sidwell or a bloody Shearer could have done a better job, it was really poor. Even when he perked up after Villa/Pool and (in his own words) "can finally talk about football again", his expert analysis was that we did well exploiting the high line and Jack Grealish is a very good player. That was it. Totally facile stuff. Probably?
  14. Ridiculous headline from the Liverpool OS We've caused a lot of pain on Merseyside it seems. Who -- little old us??
  15. He learned huge lessons from last season and fair play to him. Sign of a decent manager, knows when he's wrong and rectifies it.
  16. Sky anchor has just read a formal apology for Graeme Souness' comments about "Latins". With Souness sitting there. Jesus lads. Shambles this evening.
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