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Everything posted by est1874

  1. Say what you want about their achievements, how good and stacked they are, what a good coach he is, their football bores the **** tits off me. At least Liverpool, as unbearable as their fans are, are mightily exciting to watch. Their dynamic counterattacking football will beat out Pep's endless plodding passing for entertainment value all day long.
  2. Personally, I don't want him at Villa any longer.
  3. Please please no injuries now. 10+ minutes left and zero subs left.
  4. Yeah, Olsen's done his best. He has not been the problem tonight.
  5. The old El Ghazi trick We're getting hammered gaffer, take me off
  6. 2 games versus **** Twatcastle, 1 versus Spurs and 1 against this shower have prevented us having a really comfortable and deserved goal difference versus Spurs. Gross.
  7. People still support individual athletes in spite of clear or obvious actual doping. Sport hasn't been a level playing field, or close to fair, in decades. Yes they're disgusting. But don't ask how anyone can appreciate them. People are by and large basic twits. If they weren't, the premier league (from its very inception) would have never come to be thought of as the best league in the world and the champions league would have never come to be revered as the very pinnacle of the beautiful game. It's all a **** sham, top to bottom. And people **** love it.
  8. It could be 1,117 and the premier league will still do nuttin. The chances of a meaningful punishment are almost nil.
  9. Pau didn't run out with the squad for warm up. Even chambers was out there. Highly unlikely he's fit.
  10. Not me, I've taken 12 Imodium - one for every shot Olsen is probably about to fumble. Enjoy your Speights.
  11. est1874

    Jhon Durán

    All this talk of his discipline omits to note how young he is. He's only recently turned 20, he's still adapting and acclimatising to a foreign country where he's been challenged to step up and earn his stripes and we've seen (or heard about) a certain difficulty with this on his behalf. He's young and frustrated, essentially - or has been. Discipline will come as he learns the English game and composes himself with time.
  12. 5 subs for Spurs, 0 for West Ham under the cosh - really?
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