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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Bet he put drinking in town as one of his Hobbies and Interests on his CV
  2. Looking at the job he did on Kelly he can not be underestimated. I am sure Crawford is 100% tuned in but these sort of upsets happen after a potential mega fight falls through , after the Lord Mayor's show comes the dust cart as they say
  3. It's frightening how close that charlatan came to doing so as well
  4. this 1899 on Netflix looks interesting as well
  5. I think MON would have succeeded if the rug was not pulled from beneath his feet, he had done the real hard work as stabilising us a constant top six side and with the continued support of Lerner in the market could have made the next transition. However there does seem like an alignment of the stars in this appointment, he would not have come without deep assurances of major support in the transfer market and also I like the fact Sawiris presented him very much as his man
  6. It's the equivalent of smashing your right ankle with a sledge hammer, getting it patched up and set in plaster so you are able to hobble along on crutches then taking the same sledge hammer and smashing your left ankle so you have to crawl everywhere in a regression towards backwards evolution
  7. A nice big shiney cup please, I will buy you a pint afterwards in the Green Man
  8. Ancient apocalypse, fact mixed in with well researched speculation regarding Ancient Civilisations and their demise. Fascinating if you like that type of thing and some of the camera shots are breathtaking.
  9. Maybe but I stayed up till midnight to watch the two tribes video on Channel 4 when it was released
  10. My eldest is 18 tomorrow. Make the most of them while they are young, You will be amazed how the time flies
  11. Well you’re suspicions are wrong and he has just confirmed the way it was intended but hey ho
  12. It's all there if read it in the context it is meant after reading @Chindie previous post but let's not ruin a good old fashioned kangaroo court shall we , pass me my black hat and put some sombre music on in the background. Norman Stanley Foreveryoung you appear before this court today accused of......................
  13. He may be he may not, absolutely no idea but if you read back it has been agreed way back on this thread that anecdotal evidence is not to be relied upon but it appears it now is dependant on whom the poster is and the narrative of the post. All I was doing was pointing out the inconstancy and I get accused as supplying a 'textbook' response with no explanation of what that actually means. Would be nice to get a balanced response but will not hold my breath
  14. You are missing the point completely, I doubt for one minute he thinks the quote is not racist, he is disputing the validity of the post actually happening in the real world. I have not offered an opinion, only the way I read it
  15. I assume you are referring to my post. Could you highlight what is so 'textbook' about it please
  16. The point the fella is making is that he doubts very much there is any truth in the alleged peeping at a text on the train allegation. He has a point as well, anecdotal evidence such as this has been discounted as not reliable many times before if it does not fit the narrative, I have been a victim of it myself quoting one of my black friends and being being shot down In flames on this very thread during the upheaval after Floyd was murdered. He’s not quoting whether it is a racist statement or not of course it is, He is making the point that it fits at the narrative of that we are terribly racist society that many like to adhere to, which on a whole we are not IMO
  17. Would not think so but have no idea, I do not think they are that deep or forward thinking, they just want to shift product
  18. Most certainly is odd seeing as they are the much larger ethnic demographic by over 50% compared to black British
  19. What about the under representation on TV and adverts of British Asians. Is this racist on behalf of the advertisers as they believe products will not sell on the same basis. For what it’s worth I think Advertisers operate a tick a box inclusion system into adverts with black people as the first tick, let’s be honest if they don’t people will complain, less with the exclusion of Asians maybe? just as the racists complain if it is the other way round. I don’t think the majority of people really care who is in the adverts as I believe we are not a overtly racist country. Social media makes us think differently
  20. I don’t think so, ultimately goals win games
  21. I pretty much think the owners will let him do what he wants, Looking at the recruitment of him. Cannot see it being an issue here
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