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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Tescos stopping selling whiskers cat food, so I have to go out of my way to Morrisons because my stupid cat will not eat anything but whiskers
  2. This 'Wednesday' looks interesting. Loved the Christina Ricci version but his apprantly is set with Wednesday as a teen and also somewhat of a detective. Sounds a stupid idea on the face of it but might just be batshit enough for it to work
  3. Decided to retire after Christmas. Been semi retired since 2009 and only continued to work as something to keep me mind busy. Will continue to fund the Mrs and her projects.and keep my office suite in my outbuildings open just in case I get bored but that’s it I suspect.
  4. sounds like my marriage but mine includes non public as well
  5. I remember being at SeaWorld in about 1990 and they got members of the crowd to get up and feed the dolphins and sea lions etc. Every time they asked whoever it was where they were from there was a massive cheer and the USA USA chant after, bonkers
  6. I honestly thought he was Belgian before tonight Pulisic that is
  7. Exactly, in reality what on earth did he expect would happen
  8. The other being those stupid whistle things which were very much in evidence today what ever they are called
  9. The other being those stupid whistle things which were very much in evidence today what ever they are called
  10. It’s all quite nauseating. No disrespect but Iran are shite
  11. I hope to God the other nauseating witch who occasionally calls in does not subject us to the story of how she got Judes shirt at a previous England game in Malta zzzzzzzzzz
  12. Gareth trusts him, never let England down blah blah blah. He has one error free game against a team who put him under no pressure at all and missed a sitter producing additional comments such as “that’s what he brings to the team “ and now his place in the squad and the team is totally vindicated. Disaster waiting to happen
  13. In reality what on earth did he think would happen
  14. Did not realise that Qatar was part of the British Empire until 1971
  15. then make it a straight red offence and 8 game ban
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