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Everything posted by MotoMkali

  1. I mean Messi is. Their other players not so much. Messi is still in a class of his own. But Griezeman **** hell he's on more than twice the highest paid player in the Premier league.
  2. Pretty sure it is white and claret, an homage to the European Cup winning kit.
  3. If you look at Pogbas role for France that is probably his ideal role. Receive the ball on the turn and ping a world class pass or beat a man or 2 and create an advantage.
  4. Getting over 13 is a fairly excellent result. 11 and 12 are both very good. And you could probably be proud of anything over 10 if you do the full beep test. I'd bump each of those eup slightly for yo-yo test.
  5. I believe it is called a yo-yo test where you walk 10m during your recovery. I think it is considered easier and results in higher scores like 19 rather than 17.
  6. No it is about half 2/3 of a Premier league players average sprint speed at its peak. But to complete it you run 5k in 22 minutes at much higher average intensity. The recovery time you get just isn't enough to make up for the effort you exert. To add further information it is doubted that anyone has actually competed the beep test and it is reckoned the highest ever score is 17/1. Lee Gong Dook completed 16 levels (so a score of 17) which is tied for the 2nd highest score in official results.
  7. Yeah, conor seems to be able to run really far just not sprint quickly
  8. There's a difference to being is Europe and Brazil right now. Brazil is way worse off atm, same with Argentina.
  9. This isn't a case where neutrality is acceptable. If you aren't for equality then you are part of the problem. It doesn't matter if you only think speaking to authorities who perpetuate violence is wrong or whether you think black people are inferior. At that point everything is equal. You either get on board and learn or you are part of the problem. It isn't on the black players to teach a man basic human decency. It is on the man to learn it. This isn't a new thing either where he could be excused due to a transitional period. No this is a fight that has been going on for hundreds of years. 1974 is when the first equality act was, 1833 is when they abolished slavery. If he hasn't learnt in that time that all people are equal then he can get ****. There is no Room for Racism, support of Racism or implicit acceptance of Racism on this planet and certainly not in football.
  10. He seems to have dropped his Hood (think that might be notre Dame cathedral but I'm suggesting he wouldn't be out of place in mississippi in 1964)
  11. https://tntsports.com.ar/ligaprofesional/Se-va-del-Millonario-El-equipo-de-Europa-que-se-quiere-llevar-a-Julian-Alvarez-despues-de-la-Copa-America-El-delantero-de-River-podria-irse-al-Aston-Villa-20210710-0002.html Not is it on their website. However they do link us so maybe they haven't written/posted a full article yet and one of their journalists tweeted it
  12. If it is real, he would almost certainly do his medical over there. He has to definitely isolate for a while because he is coming from Brazil. Plus as you say if he fails the medical he has a 14 hour flight back as well. Which is a tad harsh on a dude who just missed his big break.
  13. That too. None of our reporters have a clue what is going on until percy confirms or occasionally says we are interested but haven't bid yet.
  14. Buendia was all over the press in the sense it was done in like 3 days before Norwich made their official announcement. We took like 5 days after that to make our own.
  15. Maybe 5 goals and 9 assists in under 12 games worth of minutes last season, on top of excellent defensive and pressing stats. Don't know if the rumour is at all true. But would be an excellent signing.
  16. Yeah but he is apparently quoting l'equipe who could either be reliable or trash. And they oscillate between the 2 like Romano.
  17. Here are Golovin's godly stats. Key things to note he has only played 1069 minutes in the last year. So it's a small sample size. That pass accuracy is awful. But everything else is pretty **** amazing. 99th percentile for xA and actual assists, 92th percentile for non penalty goals. 99th percentile for pressures.
  18. Sort of yes, sort of no. Playing in the copa Libertadores (or however it is spelt) now counts for the same points as playing in the CL does. This is true Brazil and Argentinian leagues count for the same as the top 5 leagues in Europe etc. This is wrong. They count as band 3 so like equivalent of the Danish league. I was equating them due to most of the famous clubs being in Copa Libertadores and therefore being band 1.
  19. I think the whole point is she can get away with saying the quiet part out loud because she is a minority.
  20. No chance, people will call for Southgates head if he does that.
  21. What the **** are you talking about? He's a class above Konsa
  22. To me it seems like he tells jack he's 6th straight after he tells saka he is 5th.
  23. I mean obviously not. Guardiola would know he'd be their 2nd best player behind De Bruyne and maybe best if his game continues to improve wihh better and better players.
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