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Everything posted by Herman22

  1. How the ref gave Arsenal that pen is beyond me. He was looking straight at the player! If it was even borderline that pen would stand. Just the usual top team bias that the Premier League is stinking with.
  2. Better team for the majority of the game. Undone by an amazing first and two deflected goals. On another day we could have scored 6. Premier league continue to have some of the poorest refs in the world. He was terrible at times!
  3. Get Cash, Couthino and young Young on here. Maybe Ings too!
  4. Any Klopp, Pep type manager would kill you for not taking the card. Complete madness!
  5. I agree! I think he’s been one of the better performers so far. For me Young, Luiz and Watkins have been the stand out poor performers so far!
  6. I saw it live but again at HT. The ref points to the penalty spot when VVD scores their second. He seemed to be listening to his earpiece too. Was he giving a pen or potentially a FK to Villa! Seemed very unusual to then do nothing!
  7. He’s just got a foul for nothing!
  8. Clear foul on Bailey and he gives Liverpool a FK!
  9. It’s the little advantages that the top teams get that annoy me. The assistant hasn’t raised the flag for a few clear offside against Liverpool and we lose a goal because of it.
  10. The commentators on Premier sports have said that Liverpool have been on top throughout! Are we watching the same game? We could have scored 4 already!
  11. In reality what’s Emi worth right now? WC winner, WC golden glove winner, Copa America winner, long term contract. You’d have to think record fee for a keeper, so minimum £75m. I think if any club comes in with that type of money he’ll go. I just can’t see that happening in Jan. Maybe next summer!
  12. I assume Emi is out for this game. Olsen fills me with dread every time he plays! Other than that we should be at full strength! Even our other WC players are already back! I thought Liverpool would’ve had a load of players at the WC but not really bad they beat AC Milan a few days ago 4-1, Nunez was back from the WC and got two. I think this is going to be a tough one but hopefully Unai can set us up to get a result!
  13. World Cup winner Emi Martinez! Potentially player of the tournament!
  14. I see the usual suspects are out blaming the ref for England's defeat. I think players like Kane and Saka should look at themselves first. Constantly diving and complaining to the ref! It doesn’t get reported in England as they are English players but both have built up a huge reputation for diving! Even the pen that was given on Saka the French player plants his leg and Saka initiated the contact. It’s still a pen but Saka has made the most of the contact and made sure he gets it. I come back to the same thing all the time. Make a clear dive a red card offence and you would stamp out 80% of this nonsense almost immediately when players start to realise it going to be enforced.
  15. I’d have some pity if Saka and Kane didn’t go down like they’re shot every time they’re touched!
  16. A quick reminder we currently have one of the best keepers in the world!
  17. Mad that we have need that game with 7 yellow cards! I don’t recall a single tackle that was worthy of a yellow card! Ref completely lost the plot by the end!
  18. Is there a rating under very poor for the ref! He was absolutely terrible from start to finish!
  19. Dunk has just caught the ball and the ref hasn’t given a handball!
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