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Everything posted by AvonVillain

  1. Early goal for us and surely Burnley will have to come up with a plan B.
  2. Also, the other thing I wanted to mention, the reason a manager tends to replace one senior professional with another, as in SJM with Marvelous, instead of automatically going for a youth product like Ramsay, is because the manager needs a harmonious squad all working together. The kids know they have to be exceptional to muscle a senior pro out of the first team. If not, instead of getting the beaming smile Trez took to the field with, you get that look Jack wore trudging off, with the game wrapped up and minutes to go, a tight hamstring, and a yellow card away from missing the next game after sneakily elbowing someone in the head!
  3. Great post. I've always loathed the 'free hit' attitude amongst certain, old-guard managers, whose presence in football is mercifully being fazed out.
  4. Why would anybody actually want a manager to lose their job at another club!?
  5. Konsa being compared to Paul McGrath by Dean Smith in the Guardian today. High. Praise.
  6. Amazing that some people go on previous performances whilst completely ignoring what's going on in front of their eyes. Marvelous looks completely comfortable and confident out there. His passing has been calm, incisive and assured.
  7. Mings has only been dribbled past twice, incidentally.
  8. So true. They'd already be one - a bloody good one - with fans in stadiums.
  9. Without scrolling back; how good is this dude? 15m seems quite modest.
  10. Annoyed that the 5Live team have gone straight into talking about Wolves at HT instead of Villa! Honestly? Okay.. they're onto it now..
  11. Love that Columbo painting! I remember the episode. I've always wanted to produce a canvass on Peter Falk's Columbo.
  12. I have to take regular breaks win or lose, as some of the criticism is as dumb as it is predictable. Even Paul McGrath made mistakes, ask Shaun Teale! I wonder how he, and his lifestyle, would be perceived playing in this perfection or death social media age.
  13. Can never understand the stick that Lawro gets. He is oblivious to any social media bullshit meaning he speaks more freely and plainly than practically any other pundit. As much as I love Dion Dublin the Villa player, my heart sinks whenever I tune into Football Focus to see him occupying a seat. There is so little insight on offer with so many of the pundits, and I just cannot understand why more sports journalists aren't employed on these shows, whose job it is to have all the facts and speak articulately about them. I work for a charity, and it really reminds me of this football pundit situation; people who have the time to offer their services, but little to no skill for the job at hand. I don't even think this is subjective. For every Alan Hansen, Gary Neville, Lawro et al, you get a Dion Dublin, Clint Morrison or if you are really, truly unlucky, Charlie Adam. Why are we suffering because these people have nothing better to do?
  14. Feel the same about his playing career. Simply outstanding. But I think it shows the huge pressure and scrutiny he now finds himself under in a completely different way, at still a relatively young age, that he clearly struggles with. Who wouldn't? It's surely only losing that brings about the humility and philosophical attitude that you need as a manager.
  15. It isn't the target, if hitting the post doesn't result in a goal.
  16. I don't have Prime so didn't watch the game, but the commentators were being slaughtered on twitter too. Were they/he just biased against us or about as ill-informed as Charlie Adam?
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