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Everything posted by AvonVillain

  1. Still chewing over the fact we have more clean sheets at this stage of the season than at any point in our history!!
  2. ... that's a funny way to spell hysterical.
  3. I can't help but feel that Ross sees Villa as a huge step down in his career, and simply cannot believe the team aren't being built around him, let alone having to suffer the indignity of being subbed off for 'inferior' squad players. A comment he made upon joining us, that he was surprised about the quality he found in the team (considering where we finished in the league), seems to tell a different story now. At first I thought, well why should he know anything about our injury crisis to the spine of the team or whatever, now this seems to tell a different story about how he expected to walk into the team regardless of how much effort he showed game to game.
  4. I wonder if it's more that he's simply unable to be consistent.
  5. Actually I thought Villa being something of a bogey team for Rodgers was true, at least in the big games. Sunday feels like a big game to me.
  6. Aston Villa and famous European nights? Yes please!
  7. Someone please stick up that Arsenal TV thingy on here. Be interesting (hilarious) to see their reaction.
  8. For me the golden rule is more: let's be reasonable.
  9. Currently on 35 points. (where's that teeth gnashing emoji...)
  10. Every now and again, at least, we should get the ball in the box at the first attempt.
  11. We could equal last season's point haul here. Not by playing like this though.
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