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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. Wife told me to got the doctors and get some pills to give me an erection so I did I brought her some diet pills
  2. Any way fellow VT friends. We start a new season in the Prem very soon (possibly ?) We start in second place. With a manger we all love. Not all of us are confident he can do it, but we all love him just the same. If we could be there we would be singing Dean Smiths claret and blue army. Hopefully a better bunch supporting him and with classier players. All these other supporters who are obsessed with us I hope we give them more reasons to hate us this time around Once again Proud History Bright future. New season new hope UTV and VTID
  3. Very likeable chap, completely agree, I wonder what he will have learnt from last season that he should already have know. When to use the subs, his strongest team, how to get the best out of people and what to do if they dont give their best. He needs to have a nasty streak too. I hope he continues to improve our play. But would not hesitate to move him on we find ourselves bottom 3 by Christmas
  4. IMO opinion he is another Heskey, he has it all, can do it all , But doesn't do it. He doesn't get into the box or into a receiving position. Some one of a lesser price with more heart may do better. Sell him and take the loss
  5. OMG all these Shakespeare jokes I bite my thumb at all of you
  6. took me 2 days of looking for anagram of Alan derrrrr
  7. OMG watching these clips and reading the reports. I cant see how the guy remains in power. I am not a part of it and dont live in USA so maybe do not have all the facts and only see one side, I watch from the other side of the pond. IMO Obama is an amazing man, so articulate when talking, certainly thought before he asked or answered, seems to be a caring person for all societies and nations and I thought he was liked by many. Am I so wrong How can trump undo all his policies etc and still spout stuff that is laughed at and ridiculed. Is everyone scared to death of him or does he have good points You should never argue politics or religion. But I am genuinely interested, Does he have good points ?, is he doing a good job in other areas I would like to hear from some one who supports his side and why they voted for him ?
  8. Dont get sitting on the fence, say what you really mean
  9. I reckon soon after he loses the next election, she will be gone. far far away
  10. Lad phones work I cant come in this morning I am sick How sick are you ? I'm in bed with my mom
  11. I still cant forget the other 34 games (minus wins) where we didn't turn up or even try half the time End of season games Brilliant, stay in the Prem magical. Over the whole season not good enough
  12. Its still a tough one for me. Its OK now saying we only spent £120m I thought it was £160m , We were told that we were building a team not only to stay in the Prem but to make a challenge in the Prem when did this change. Too many games played without passion and as far as we know no one hair dryered over it or dragged off the field and replaced. Same back post mistakes made over and over again. We have all screamed for subs and not seen them until we have gone behind. The last four games are a different kettle of fish, were they told it was last stand or did all the plans and tactics suddenly come together. What ever I am so pleased to be staying up I can almost forgive what went before, but not quite, No I cant forgive what got us into this position. Its like some one punching you in the guts every Saturday and then thanking them when they stop. Do we praise Dean for keeping us up over the last 4 games and forget why we were bottom of the league. Convinced myself now, No it wasn't good enough. proven manager next season please
  13. Safe journey home mate. Couple of weeks before you can celebrate with others. Just cancelled my holiday. Stay safe
  14. I'm off to tell Mrs T and she will say "Oh that's nice babe"
  15. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10158445202997692&set=a.10150726075477692&type=3&eid=ARD09MPEM8DG3semn6Ktnteitt6JIYliLCJIF8QEzvm3zz_VJ_GfK5eCmyJ3unVZDY8CavllcQQY205b
  16. Forget the crap games we have had, Its done, its over, we start 2nd next year. 6 points against baggies for starters
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