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Everything posted by Jas10

  1. You never know… after seeing the kind of football we play now… the trajectory we are on, the improvement and upturn… maybe such player’s minds can be changed… even more if they get to chat with Unai… difficult to find a better manager to work under really…
  2. Jas10

    Unai Emery

    Football won’t be enjoyable???? Those people should be shot
  3. Jas10

    Unai Emery

    Ok… deep breath… here goes… From… McLeish, Lambert, Sherwood, Garde, Black, Di Matteo, Bruce, Gerrard to.. UNAI EMERY!!!!! How?! HOW?!
  4. Typical… first time I’ve watched it in yonks and nothing’s really changed when it comes to Villa coverage…
  5. I just knew it… these dumbasses on MOTD didn’t even show our goals properly Not even the 19 pass move… if it was a “super 6 team”, they would have showed it over and over again and raved on about it continuously… Sod it… I love flying under the radar…
  6. McGinn is really excelling at these kind of passes now…
  7. This one wasn’t bad either Unai, you legend… never even imagined seeing a Villa side play such good football… The days of parking the bus and trying to “catch ‘em on the counter” or hoofball dross are well and truly behind us
  8. Those divs on MOTD better show this and in full!!
  9. A bit crazy how many players Forest sign really… They don’t let up!
  10. That’s fine mate, no problem from me. I respect your view. We’re just sharing thoughts and opinions. I don’t believe we’ll go for him and prefer that we didn’t, better options out there imo. Don’t see the point in getting into a bidding war or competing with other PL sides for him or such players either…too easy to get fleeced and ripped off in that market… I have strong opinions about the fallacy of having to sign Prem/British/English players and how that experience is a must (many of the best players in the league, over the years, have come from abroad and enhanced and elevated it. Same goes for managers). I don’t want to bang on about all that again anyway… But, of course, if Unai actually wants him then fine… and I’ll support and endorse it in that case. Just not sure he does though. There are so many players and talents all over the world… we don’t need to focus on PL or home based players. Monchi has a wide network out there… So far, we haven’t pursued those kind of players or deals anyway, other than Tielemans who was brought in on a free and provides great value and quality. We’ll see. I don’t care about being proven right (being proven wrong can feel just as good if not better when it comes to Villa ), I just want us to be as strong as possible and have the best season possible. Unai is amazing. UTV
  11. Yeah he made a real impression over there, not just on the pitch either. Helped out after an earthquake, distributing supplies to the homeless and others in need… seems a good lad. Chose and wore the number 17 in dedication to a young Gala fan who sadly died in that earthquake…
  12. We don’t need quantity… we need quality… and that’s why it’s taking time to bring in further signings and why we’re still active going into the final week.
  13. No probs, we’ll just have to see… Forest don’t need to sell and are free to fleece anyone who tries… £50m fee being rumoured, Spurs interested and have cash to spare after selling Kane… big surprise: Chelsea too… I would much rather we looked elsewhere but each to their own… Diaby? Initial fee (reported by the likes of Ornstein) was £32m… the rest is add ons and dependent on fulfilling criteria we are not privy too… Don’t pay attention to Sky Sports… We conduct smart business nowadays…
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