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Everything posted by Callum

  1. Traore masterclass incoming. Hes got a look in his eyes.
  2. Class from Konsa that was. I'm seeing Carlos improvement as the minutes tick on, will do him the world of good.
  3. I have literally just seen him rubbing margarine on his gloves
  4. No one in this team crosses a ball like Digne. SImple as that.
  5. Surely the players cant enjoy playing in latex shirts
  6. Mate, he could score a hatrick and it wouldn't make up for for the shyte we've endured game after game.
  7. We cannot carry Bailey any more - this has to end now. Looks lazy, disinterested and an absolutely liability. **** sick of it.
  8. Time to pull your thumb out of your arse Bailey
  9. Something pongy going on here. I fear there might be some legs in this dodgy medical you know.
  10. Callum

    Ezri Konsa

    Yep, needs a leader next to him and Pau does not give me the same alpha influence that mings has.
  11. Or, we need to forget about the injuries and negativity of this last week and focus the road ahead without distraction or negative mindsets.
  12. Callum

    Unai Emery

    Totally agree here, was a bit embarrassed by the T-shirts tbh, don’t wanna see them for mings.
  13. Frankensquad - literally giving me 2016 vibes
  14. His command and leadership is not replaceable, simple as that.
  15. Callum

    Matty Cash

    I want this man to be no more
  16. Offers nothing game in, game out. **** shocking that he’s starting today.
  17. unforgivable from cash and bailey. Don’t know why or how they are given the benefit of the doubt time and time again. Awful. No place for it in this team.
  18. Get well soon Emi. He must be **** distraught. Hot and cold player for me, so trying not to lose my head too much. Granted, looked great pre-season, but god he frustrated me for large parts of last season.
  19. Coutinho started looking springier and faster in that Lazio game. It has continued…
  20. This Pau/Bailey link up down the left is currently not the one.
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