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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. Think he meant that Villa are missing. Ideally we do need two players who can cover that position.
  2. Must admit I thought Elmo was 2-3 years older than he actually is.
  3. Very arguable indeed. Tuanz is a great player but Abraham is not PL quality IMO. I don't think anyone can fairly praise/write off Konsa or Wesley yet. I agree though...top 10? Very unlikely.
  4. Spurs in for him now apparently
  5. And as people have said, City have just signed Rodri, so we either make a profit from a 'loan', or we keep him. No negatives for me!
  6. Well yes because you're not just playing against teams in the bottom half of the Prem. I still agree that those players could pleasantly surprise us though. Think Lansbury could even be better suited to the PL.
  7. But he's helping us out for a season, and we're making a profit. So it's basically a loan with a chance to make a profit. And like I said look at the state of our squad, we needed bodies. If we have only one 'loan' (a quality player and a chance to make a profit), I'm taking it all day long.
  8. As long as he doesn't have Jedinak's 'suicidal backpasses' trait it's all good
  9. Why is it worrying? What's the issue?
  10. Can't see him caring too much about that as he was genuine so knows he'd have been proven right. Person you quoted was right, he's probably been advised not to leak stuff!
  11. 100% would. He might not be a Man City level player yet, but would take a 'glorified loan' of a talented player any day, especially considering the state of squad we've had to build from.
  12. Nope. RB is his best position by far. More space to put balls in/free himself up.
  13. Well there's obviously something about him if he's being linked with PL moves.
  14. Well he said himself he has a "permanent" issue with his body, so that didn't fill me with confidence!
  15. Tom13

    Ezri Konsa

    When they played us off the park at their place...I was like...how the hell are they 18th?
  16. Looking a lot healthier already. A DM (maybe two), a winger and Butland and I'll be very happy. Players in red are ones I can't see cutting it in the Prem but who are still in the squad. O'Hare I've not seen enough of to make a judgement. But if you look at it like he'd be 6th choice CM, he might be ok. Question mark over Bree as well.
  17. Tom13

    Ezri Konsa

    Probably not. Hause is decent but very overrated on here.
  18. Tom13

    Ezri Konsa

    That the defence all but sorted then? How do people feel about Elmo, Bree and Taylor being our FB backups? A DM (possibly two?), a GK and a winger and I'll be pretty happy.
  19. This is really interesting as I've never seen him play, but obviously heard bits about him over the years. He did captain England at 3 youth levels so must have something about him! Thing is, those criticising his physicality, it isn't necessarily improved by 'getting in the gym'. Struggling in battles on the pitch can be as much a mental thing.
  20. He said tomorrow afternoon though.
  21. Kalinic wasn't actually half as bad as people are now making out last season. Too early to write him off.
  22. Wow these last few pages...amazing how many people who quite clearly know nothing about what's going on make out they know if he's coming/staying for certain. Why not just be honest and say...no idea what's going on...as none of us have!? The guy who spoke to the chap in Leeds gave the best insight, at least that was something of substance that COULD have been true.
  23. To be fair, Steer is still a relatively unknown quantity. I know I've not seen enough of him myself, however yes he was impressive for us last season. He could be good in the PL, or he could fail. Smith is seemingly not wanting to take any risk by going for an experienced PL option.
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