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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. I agree that the pressure of automatic is now gone - but did we really deserve to be 2-0 I'm not so sure tbh
  2. Fair comment - this loss might well be a blessing in disguise. We should all now just focus on securing a play off position. With Smith at the helm I would be happy to go toe to toe with any one else in the play off's. They are a lottery and I think Smith would be smart enough to navigate a two game semi and final.
  3. To be fair - sometimes we have to accept that the opposition are better than you - it's cheap talk to say he should have closed the game out. you kinda need to be in control of a game to be able to close it out. We probably didn't deserve to be 2-0 anyway. A bitter pill to swallow but I still believe Deano will deliver play off's for us.
  4. Auto was always a long shot - play offs were always going to be the realistic option.
  5. But in the grand scheme of things - a play off final means nothing. He failed in his objectives in successive seasons, I'd shut up banging on about reaching a play off final if I were Bruce jnr it's really not a big deal. And if the squad they left us with is so good - who is the reason they were under performing at that point in time. Bruce and his cronies did not leave VP with their heads held high. If I were them i'd keep my shout and just be thankful a good club looks like they are giving them work.
  6. Dave J


    As a Black Country villan - sorry I have plenty of beef with the dingles - arrogant fans, deluded because they try to claim they are the biggest club in the midlands ??
  7. Yes there was - a certain ex - striker of ours
  8. I've always had a soft spot for Wednesday - might have something to do with watching us come from 0-2 to 3-2 under Big Ron ? They are a proper club with long suffering fans and don't detseve him rocking up to tell them how lucky they have just become !
  9. Your surprised by exaggerations and over statements ? Gosh I am not even in the very slightest. Good post though
  10. Under no circumstance can a manager publicly criticise his own fans - not even one time. Apart from the obvious biting the hand that feeds it also shows a lack of insight imo as well as rendering your days numbered irrespective of the position of the club - supporters don't take or forget these things lightly
  11. Agree 100% with you Bruce was a master of deflection and also a media darling - I somehow get the feeling Smith will fall on his own sword should things not go to plan - I think he would leave with dignity and I would be very surprised should he resort to taking cheap shots at his own.
  12. If ever there was a more classic case in point. Thank you
  13. @Stevo985 I really think I should take you to task over this thread. With respect Stevo - you criticise me for posting in this thread with the " same questions " yet you don't seem to acknowledge that pretty much every time this thread is raised - your on here giving your opinion that everything is Ross's fault - he's had more chances than he deserved etc etc. What's the difference ? But I don't criticise you for doing thing this - if that's how you feel - that's fine. I remember when you used to call me obsessive for posting re: Gabby - I won't but I think with some justification I could say the same about you and this post? @Stevo985 again with respect I feel you at times have difficulty in accepting that I and others do not share your view and will challenge you at times. This is not your forum it's everyones and this is what makes it a good place to be part of - would you not agree? Without differences of opinion there is no VT. Anyway back to Ross - the first time I knew anything about any issues surrounding him - came after wolves away and it appeared to snow ball from there. You might be privy to information regarding Ross and his circumstances before the wolves game - but I don't think you have shared this here? - although I will happily stand corrected if so. For the record this is my view of the situation - Ross has been out of order and made mistakes as I'm told via the media - I am happy to accept this account - but equally I think Bruce does not come out of this smelling of roses either and it could and should have been handled differently and away from the glare of publicity. with reference to the olive branch scenario - something you appear to dismiss at every possible juncture - if Dean Smith feels that he might be able to harvest Ross's talents in a positive and meaningful manner that benefits Aston Villa - why would this be a bad thing ? This surprises me that you might think otherwise. Having said this is he not on a season long loan? - so it wouldn't be happening anytime soon - and neither do I expect to see him in a Villa shirt again. Its a sorry saga all round with both parties needing to take a long look at themselves in my humble opinion
  14. You'll note I said a tiny few - this is precisely what I mean. No more no less. And I don't think hate is the correct phrase - some may have a very strong dislike of his footballing abilities - I doubt very much anyone would dislike him as a person - he seems a genuine pro to me.
  15. Odd comments once again - I personally consider a forum a great place to ask the same questions as frequently as you wish - regardless of whether it suits someone else's agenda surely? New members join all the time and might wish to participate in healthy debate - I thought everyone would welcome this
  16. Agreed - it seems fashionable on here to " big him up " for whatever reason this might be by a very tiny few. The guy is an average footballer - he tries his hardest and makes the most of his limitations and for this alone he deserves credit - but you can't steer away from him being average - this is who he is. He will do a job from time to time in this division and I suspect he is a good pro to have around the place - but Stoke didn't let him leave for no reason.
  17. I guess ultimately it boils down to legalities - for example if this were to be a career ending injury to Ross - would the clubs insurers default on pay out - if his injury had not been diagnosed/ treatment in the first instance by the club ?
  18. Maybe Dean thought the prospect of him playing against his former club would have a beneficial factor for the team ? That said I do agree with you
  19. This tends to be standard procedure for Loan players to return to parent clubs for treatment to injuries - although when the parent club is on the other side of the world it does seem odd.
  20. Maybe this is the reason we have him - moments of brilliance coupled with periods of mediocracy ? Should he be able to add consistency to his game - he probably wouldn't be with us for long. For now - I'm happy to have him along for the ride.
  21. He's human and will make mistakes - Bruce was just garbage who made mistakes consistently.
  22. Two sides to every story TRO - as I've asked before - did Ross ever make himself unavailable for selection? You and I know someone who did just this. Look it's history and I don't see Ross in a Villa shirt again - but let's have it right - not aimed at you by the way TRO
  23. Hadn't he already left for oz when Smith arrived?
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