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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. You might call me old fashioned TRO - but just imagine what the likes of Andy, Peter Withe and more recently Dion think of his antics
  2. May I politely suggest you do a little reading on this guy - he's already got himself a reputation not to be proud of. If you like him - that's perfectly ok - he's just not my cup of tea to be truthful with you
  3. No thanks - Maupay and his theatrics can stay right where they are for me. Everything that is wrong about modern day footballers imo
  4. It's not possible financial power - it's serious financial power this mob have now. They now have the financial clout to stay in the premier league so long as fosun hang around
  5. There's enough games left you know
  6. seems logical to start him tomorrow - I genuinely hope he scores and put in a performance that goes some way to silence his knockers. good luck Scott.
  7. You are genuinely wasting your time.
  8. I was being a little tongue in cheek TRO - although I do genuinely feel for the Wednesday fans - many happy days spent in South Yorkshire
  9. He might well not crash and burn - probably because Wednesday have been so badly managed in recent years - their long suffering fans no longer expect much - a word of warning what little bit of hope they had left is sadly disappearing over the hills.
  10. Now steady on TRO - your swinging back and forth once more. 2 seasons of failed objectives - and looking like a rabbit in the headlights in his 3rd season. Good riddance to a very depressing, unimaginative and yesterday man.
  11. I actually feel for Wednesday fans - they ain't a bad lot and have suffered enough in recent years - now all they have to look forward to is some pretty turgid football and being told how lucky they are to watch it. Good luck Wednesday - you deserve more imo
  12. I kind of agree with pretty much everything you say here and whilst I also agree about Kod - I don't feel either him or his agent buying into the impact role tbh with you
  13. I agree - totally overrated as a player to boot. Limited in ability - but in fairness worked his socks off
  14. Did he really ? Talk about jobs for the boys. Bruce would have lasted at least until the end of January at Man Utd
  15. Has auto ever really been on the cards? I'm not sure tbh with you - for me the play offs have always been the realistic route to promotion after the faltering start we had.
  16. As always - well measured and articulate. Dont agree with all of it - but this is what keeps us coming here. 3 points today - UTV
  17. @TRO sorry - I have bought this back on topic. Good post to be fair to you - although I would say this. You are as guilty as anyone of keeping this thread going, which incidently is totally fine for a little while yet. I do think it's a little unfair to suggest that I and others gloss over the turmoil of this summer - especially when the reason we faced such turmoil is because the guy you choose to defend - quite frankly did not deliver his objectives over the two previous seasons - yes the margins were tight but ultimately it made not a jot of difference. If we had gone up as we should have imo - we would not have faced the same issues. I would add that this may not been the complete answer to our problems - but as you say we would have been able to " pay the gas bill" For me TRO I can only look back on his tenure with feelings of boredom, a massive feeling of being underwhelmed, and his indifference to the hand that feeds. He wasn't doing us a favour by being here. Not sure he felt the same. Good post though TRO
  18. TRO - I know you are a fan - but he has left us in a mess. It ain't hyperbole at all. Yes we are in a better position than when he joined - but given what was made available to him - the gains were minimal imo. He has left us with the play offs as our only realistic hope of securing promotion and for the self styled promotion guru of the championship - quite frankly this is not good enough. Let go Tro - he's yesterday's man and and someone I will gloss over in the blink of an eye. I have no fondness whatsoever from his tenure to take going forward
  19. Difficult to say really - however after that Preston game who knows. He lost the crowd finally that night. i'm still scratching my head as to why he never put someone on Daniel Johnson. But I really could not care less now. I very much doubt he would have got the results that Smith has attained and the mood around the club, would be I expect one of exasperation.
  20. Well if he rocks up - that won't count for much
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