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Everything posted by leighavfc

  1. Yeah i agree bunnski he was good in the last few months before his contract ended... but even then i often thought great effort and never give up atitude but no end product. Of course having a big man in there might have made me see it in a different light because one of them may have got on the end of it but i have always thought he has a really poor technique of crossing. I really wish he made it a villa as i liked the lad and obviously being one of us would make it even sweeter but i am of the opinion we did the right thing letting him go.
  2. Dont think they will go down purely beacuse of the Dinosaur, i would foooooooooooooooooking love it though
  3. Except an exceptional ability to cross the ball Really ? ive never thought that to be honest.. i wouldnt even say he was anywhere near on of the best crossers of the ball at Villa in the last 10 years. The game is all about opinions though !
  4. I really wanted it to work out for the bloke from day one and it took a long time for me to be in the Lamberk out camp. Now when i look back at them 2 1/2 seasons i realise how much my willingness for him to do well pulled the wool over my eyes. Now everytime i hear him talk about us, he just sounds bitter and wants to blame everyone else but himself for some of the shit we served up in those seasons. Obviously there were a couple of good things that came from his time like Benteke and errrrrrr.......well just signing Benteke On a whole it was just disaster after disaster with the bloke with the odd good result, shit football. The worst for me was the way he thought we were all stupid and would come out with comments like we played really well and didnt deserve to lose after heavy defeats....
  5. Gives 100% but doesnt offer much else for me
  6. I used to like sunderland, great atmos up there the last time i went, so loud! But ever since the Bent transfer their fans have just showed them for the small time mickey mouse club they actually are... I really dislike them now, their squad is shocking to say the least... so many players they should have let go recently. Micky Gray was on talksport earlier and he was saying that at least 10 of the players should not be playing at the club and should have been sold ages ago. Mind you he also went on to say that Sunderland are a HUGE club........ based on what ? Their attendances in a one club city?... must be something in the water in the north east both them a Newcastle fans are in a league of their own when it comes to deluded levels... i believe both of them should join THAT club in the scottish prem.... they can all fight it out between themselves then without boring the rest of us
  7. That photo sends shivers down my spine...
  8. Has been poor in his first two games so far but a lot of factors to do with this i think. Im going to start judging a lot of the newbies after 10 games, i think its only fair really with them moving to a new country and stuff.
  9. I **** hate united.....jammy bastards

  10. They are quite unbelievable most of them. I know of a family of 3 Albion fans who are realists and are proper football fans so to speak. The rest I have met are delluded and completely obsessed with us (this is 100% true no matter what they say). I thought the blunderland forum was the weirdest wackiest place I had been... But wba forum has got to trump that tbh. They are laughable at best, 8 million pound James Chester over free transfer Micah Richards LOL Lambert decent goalscorer but is a mobile as my 75 year old nan. McClain got found out a month after breaking on the scene. Mcmanaman had a few good games in wigans fa cup run but has done nothing short of F all since then. Rondon is the only good signing they have made and that is only on paper. Who knows whether he can do it in stoke on a Wednesday night? And yet they question our signings? Young players with bags of potential and known over Europe... I really shouldn't let it get to me but I have to smash my head off a wall every time I hear the crap they spout...
  11. Clearly dont watch or have knowledge of football outside of the sandwell area........mate thats one of the less delusional comments on there believe it or not LOL you should see the thread about league predictions, regular wba in top ten, villa 17th-20
  12. @GuillemBalague: Adama, new Aston Villa player for €10m+ €2 in variables: fast, irregular, too individualistic and has to be more humble. Got my doubts Never liked the bloke tbh... Always thought Graham Hunter is the better analyzer or whatever you want to call them.. now i dont like him whatsoever... how dare he have a bad thing to say about Adama !!!!!!!!!
  13. When i have a bad day at work like today my remedy is normally to go on to wba unofficial and sit back and realise that all is good in my life and i am perfectly sane..... There are some absolute rocket polishers on there lol
  14. damn !!! completly forgot about that one !!!!!!!
  15. Not many for me to choose from tbh apart from the obvious 1996 league cup win. but for me got to be beating Manure at OT a few years back with that header from Gabby, also a joint first the 82nd minute winner against SHA at the Sty.... Probably not up there for many people but deffo my Euphoria moments as a villa fan. The feeling i had after them too games was the closest you could get too drugs i imagine ! EDIT: the 5-1 vs SHA and beating the Boggies in the semi final are up there too.....
  16. i do really hope that this season we give them an absolute battering once if not twice...... Especially this season as they seemed to have got way to cocky all of sudden for absolutely no reason at all.. "we have spent 12 mill on a proven striker" errr sorry do they remember the last time the spent 10 mil + on a player? And with Tony dinosaur Pulis at the helm it would be **** HILLARIOUS... i was about 5 seconds away from running him over a few weeks back on his bike.... If only i had put my foot down at the lights !
  17. Doubt it tbh, hes got to adapt to the english game first of all and then got to score goals in the prem, Rudy has been here for a few years and already has 1 in 1 in the prem plus 22 from the championship last year which is widely renowned for being a tough tough league. i would have said the same a year or two ago, but hes had a couple of bad seasons by his standard in the last 2
  18. Agreed. For the money we paid for him, dont know of many if any players that are as good as him at this level, there are plenty of better players than him out there but they also cost a lot of money so he is a potentially great player if not just a good squad player in years to come.
  19. Maybe at a push an in form Lescott, but apart from them three i wouldnt take ANY others, they actually believe none of our players would get in their team which is laughable at the least as their midfield is shocking ! Even so im not sure if Rondon is going to hit it off here, its all good doing it in poor teams in Spain and a good team in Russia, but the prem is a totally different ball game altogether. I think Tim Vickery (S america expert) said he thinks he will struggle against prem defences. He also struggles with fitness if i remember correctly, doesnt complete 90 mins very often ?
  20. Is it definitely £12m? I've seen figures ranging from £6m upto £12m so would like to know what the fee actually is not sure mate tbh, ive seen 12 mil EUROS quoted more than other values, which is about 8.5 mill in £££.... and i havent seen that price quoted anywhere so your guess is as good as mine lol i cannot wait for Traore to rip their carthorse of a defence a new arsehole !
  21. Yep totally agree with this too, a little lightweight at the minute
  22. These lot really are a laff a minute ! Laughing at us for signing Traore for 12 million..... one of them claimed Antonio and phillips are far better than him... based on what exactly lol No gurantee he will be a success but i suspect he will be better than antonio and phillips.... So deluded them Sandwell bunch....
  23. I think he just needs to be a little more proactive in other areas of the pitch. Barry would pop up in all kinds of positions to create something. Westwood has defo got it in him and im sure we will see that in the coming years !
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