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Everything posted by leighavfc

  1. We definetly need a new keeper, Guzan is getting worse by the game. Theres a fair few options to look at here in January, so we must do something about it imo . A right back who can cross... and defend ! At least another CM, someone like Jedinak imo would be a great signing for us at this moment in time. And at least one striker, Remy would be perfect but i cant see it happening tbh. The biggest problem is actually getting any of these to join our fastly fading relegation battle. I really cant see us being able to purchase the quality needed to have any chance of staying up. I pray to god Garde has some tricks up his sleeve, because he is certainly going to need them.
  2. I havent heard anything since he was disciplined for the last time, so hes either learnt his lesson or he is doing it on the quiet. After all the post Everton game fiasco, i was round a family freinds house who for various reasons knows Jack well. We had quite a long conversation about Jack and his ways etc He said to me that Jack has had the rules bent for him at Villa compared to most other players when he was breaking through, this may have contributed to his big head syndrome. He also said that some members of the family are a nightmare, which hasnt helped him either. A crap, half arsed display today from Jack. Its almost an impossible task to stay up now really but if we have any glimmer of hope then people like Jack need start realising their talents very very sharpish. I think he will stay if we go down, he will probably do better having a season or two in the championship with us (hopefully not of course!). As long as he can get his head down and purely concentrate on improving his game over the next 2-3 years then he has plenty of time to fufill his potential but if we keep seeing performances like today and antics off the field then it wont be long before he's sold down through the leagues.
  3. Although i hate Liverdole as much as anything, i still wish Benteke well as he kept us for like 3 seasons on the trot. But with Delph and some of the others like Ashley Young etc then yeah its **** hillarious!! Mind you im sure they all look at us and do the same..
  4. Thats what i thought but i questioned it because sky were saying he is a lifelong villa fan and then birmingham mail and others were saying he is a bluenose, which is what i thought he was originally.....and is also what i was told by some of the small heath fans. O well lets hope us Villa fans have the last laugh and not have Deeney running towards the holte end after scoring for Watford. But knowing our luck over the years he is guranteed to have a blinder against us and bag a couple to win the game! Always the way when these players come up against Villa!!! I hope he has a crap game or doesnt play at all!!.... couldnt bare it if a nose hammered another nail in our coffin! In my head though I do think this game could actually be the one where we finally turn that corner weve been turning for so long.... Come on you Villa boys!!!
  5. Yeah some of his mates are complete tools mate. The look at me im with a footballer types. Any chance to get that on their social media accounts. Jack needs to look a lot of these people aswell, they are doing him no good at all.
  6. Weimann was a nightmare for drinking. Have a few stories of things i witnessed with him. I think the drinking culture has stopped now and its mostly just individuals like Jack have a problem rather than a collective like we had a few years back with Bannan, Dunne, Collins, Albrighton, Weimann, Gabby and a few others. So hopefully Remi and his staff can work on Jack and get him focused again, because it would be a shame if he threw it all away!
  7. Both brothers were deffo here at one point because i remember his bro being a CB if im correct? I also seem to remember being at walsall one pre season in one of Troy Deeneys first games for them. He went off at one point and the villa fans were clapping him.
  8. Well ive read so many different things about it and i still cant make my mind up lol. My bluenose mate reckons he has a blues tattoo on his leg and that he played for villa until he got released? I read a few times his grandad was a big villa fan but then troy released a story saying he would love to score in front of the holte with all the fans swearing and gesturing at him. So surely that means he's a nose? But then he was spotted at villa park a few times last year? Confusing!!!
  9. Sky are running an article claiming Deeney is a villa fan and that he wont be fazed by his return. Now im sure he has a blues tatoo on his leg and that his only connection to villa is that he was playing for us as a teenager? Anyone know the true story?
  10. Yeah i thought so. I think even since then a mate of mine used to go out on the piss with him and hendrie. And im pretty sure it was merse one of the wags told my missus a story about how he tried it on with her, then when she told him to go away he started to shout abuse at her. This must have been at least 2 years ago though so maybe he has changed but still not sure if its a good idea tbh.
  11. Merse could be a help in this but correct me if im wrong, i hear he is still a big drinker? Maybe not half as bad as he was but ive heard a few stories of him knocking around the pubs in mere green. Ultimately its down to Jack to take the advice and do something about it. A current member of the first team decided a few years ago that knocking around with 2 other team mates who were like Jack out on the razz most weekends wasnt going to help his career. He stopped knocking around with them and he is now in regular contention at first team level while the other two are playing in the championship now. Jack maybe needs to look at this and decide weather his mates are any good for his career or not.
  12. Got to be given a chance soon. I cant see how he hasnt so far. Yeah hes not the most athletic but for me he has that knack of getting in the right place at the right time. How about kozak and ayew up top?
  13. What makes it worse for me is that he is a villa fan and apparently "loves the club"... this alone makes me question his atitude never mind all the antics on top. If he cant behave doing a very well paid job for a club he loves, then what else does he need to behave really? Im pretty sure all of us on here would do a hell of a lot for us or our sons and daughters to be in a position he is in.. yet just a year into his career as a pro footballer he is doing his best to throw it down the pan..
  14. Yeah i did think this earlier. Sky reckon he wasnt on the coach. So he must have gone straight after the game. Like i said from what ive been told by someone who knows him is that him and a friend went from Liverpool to Manchester and met up with others. How true this is i dont know.. i could find out if i really really wanted to, but i really cannot be arsed tbh. The lads **** up and is getting punished. Hopefully that is the end of it and he learns from it this time... From what i hear and see of Jack regularly this wont be the end of his stupidness.... i hope he proves me 100% wrong though!
  15. Yes fair comment mate about making his own arrangements but in my opinion a team should travel to and from games together as that contributes to a team mentality. I understand that it may come across as treating them like children but Jack obviously needs this kind of treatment as he cant be trusted to do otherwise. Same goes for any other player who totally disrespects the club in the same way. Obviously in certain circumstances the players shudnt have too do this but there cant be many reasons why the players should travel seperately. Jack has shown he cannot be trusted to do such thing after the weekends antics, i wonder what he told Villa he was doing not to travel back with the rest of the team? Because clearly he didnt tell them he was going for a piss up in manchester... And i cant see them accepting any other reason ,(apart from something like family reasons or the like),why he wont be travelling by coach from now on as he must have lied to them this time round.
  16. Well from what i have been told, Jacks mates made their way from brum and Jack and another friend made their own way there. So im guessing straight from Liverpool He has shown a complete lack of respect and discipline to the club, remi garde, fellow players and staff. Why villa let him make his own way back is another question to be answered.Next time they need to make sure that this is not allowed. Rules are rules. And its shown if these arent implemented some (or even just Jack) can not be trusted to adhere to them.
  17. Well done Remi Garde for banishing Jack to the development squad.. this has been on the cards for months now. I posted a few months ago about a weekend that my sister in law had been with jack out on the piss. He was also injured at the time with his foot/ankle wrapped in bandages or whatever. I took the post down at the time as i didnt want to create a shit stirr and i thought it may just be a one off. But he clearly has not learned from the pictures in the paper and being disciplined by the club earlier this year. Since my post i hear he is out on the piss pretty much every weekend. For a pro footballer this is not acceptable and there is only one way it will end up.. I would love Jack to realise his talent and start to behave himself but unless he is disciplined and guided the right way then he will throw his career away with this kind of behaviour. With the club bottom of the league and performing badly surely the players should be focusing on putting this right? Not getting pissed up in a nightclub after a 4-0 loss. I accept the players are humans like us all and they need a night out every now and again, but for me they should put the piss ups on hold until they can say in their own heads they are doing their job properly. Which clearly none of them can at the moment.... I hope for his own sake and talent that this sorts him out and knocks him down a peg or two. Theres a very big head weighing down on those shoulders at the moment and it needs deflating a little....
  18. Im guessing il be ok to buy tickets on monday, cant see this one being a sell out for many reasons, work, fear of violence etc wernt going to go due to work but i cannot miss this one even after todays showing. I cant get tickets on my online login as the villa have completly messed up mine and my brothers reference numbers and for some stupid reason we both have 3 each !!!!!!!!! I havent a clue how or why this is lol Can anyone put up to date screen shot of the seating plan? wanted to sit in Holte but looks full from previous seating plan posts on this thread. Would love to know how all these noses are supposed to be getting tickets in the villa end, i know we hear this every time we play them but even bluenoses i know that aint trouble makers have apparently got tickets in our end !! Mind you i know a few albion lads who always sit in the villa end when we play them at home, they must have done this about 6-7 times at least now. What the **** are they doing down the ticket office really ?
  19. I hope Jack continues to do well on the pitch and reach his potential...but I am worried that his tellings off over the summer havent sunk in yet.....
  20. Learnt a lot from Candle wax melt face didnt he?
  21. Weve already been through this a million times !!!
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