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Everything posted by alreadyexists

  1. I see loads of people on Twatter talking about a deal with CocaCola is that just a rumour? I hadn’t heard anything about that but there’s quite a few mentioning it?
  2. Same here dude, I’m 38, and the 95/96 was the previous best that I could remember, I sort of remember 93 but I was only 8 so only snippets. It’s been an incredible season, loved it, and so proud of this team regardless of what happens now.
  3. Come on Villa!! team out in 37 mins… can’t wait. Think we’ll see some changes like Lenglet and Rogers starting, and maybe even Tim in midfield?
  4. As I said, I was referring to that partially yellow in the second leg, it came after 30 mins with no real warning, and with no logical reason for a player to be time wasting.
  5. That might work, do a sort of Tielemens style deal
  6. Still think we should try for Ndidi in the summer, he’s a good player and Leicester need to sell.
  7. The yellow in the second leg was certainly unwarranted; we were losing a game, 30mins in, I mean, what keeper is going to intentionally waste time? There didn’t seem to be any warning, just straight to yellow because their crowd whistled and booed every touch Emi had.
  8. Just had a look and they beat West Ham 2-1 in Greece and lost the other game 1-0 in the Europa group stage. They got pumped 5-0 by Freiburg too hence why they got knocked out into this competition. they seem very inconsistent looking at their results this season.
  9. They came 3rd in Greek regular season… behind POAK and AEK Athens. I don’t really know what standard the league is. Maybe lower half of the PL/upper half of Champ?
  10. What if the ref gives Olsen 3 yellows next game, can we still loan Januzaj !!??
  11. Ah thank you, right I’ll shut up now, it all makes sense!! Birmingham Mail were bound to be wrong!
  12. Hang on… this from the Birmingham Mail says that Emi wasn’t on one yellow card before the game? Unless they’re wrong, and I accept they frequently are!
  13. Right, thanks, I was very confused but that makes sense.
  14. Cheers Brommy, so he picked up too many yellows so misses a game?
  15. Ah right, so it is to do with the amount of Yellows Emi picked up during the competition to this point? Rather than being because of a two yellow equals a red thing?
  16. I was confused about the second yellow too, as I didn’t know the rule about them resetting after the 90/120mins. So essentially he was booked, then that game was over, then during the penalties he was booked again. Although I don’t agree with why he was booked, I understand it. What I don’t get is why some seem to think he will miss the SF first leg? Is that because of the total yellows accrued to this point, because I thought they reset after the QFs? Or is it because two yellows in one game, usually equals a red, and therefore he misses a game…? Because that can’t be the case either, because the first yellow was done, then expired. Then the second yellow was done, but they don’t equal a red, so why would he miss a game? there’s probably something obvious I’m missing but I don’t get why Emi would miss a game?
  17. Did you see him do little keepie ups on the walk to the spot!? He’s ice cold
  18. Not great last night, but let’s be honest pretty much to a man we were rubbish for 80mins at least. Next season, Moussa is going to be unreal, I can just feel it!
  19. Ha ha, just a bit of an overreaction! They surrendered on both occasions though
  20. This is off topic really but I absolutely LOVE how a few months ago some of the media were talking about Liverpool trying for a Treble to give Klopp a good send off… ha ha ha! That’s not worked out quite so well has it!?
  21. Special mention to one of the worst referee ing performances I’ve ever seen… just bizarre. He needs to be investigated for that as it was like an amateur.
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