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Everything posted by Neil

  1. For oue club? Touting down the circus mate, it will be a clown car of fall guys.
  2. Neil

    Embedding YouTube

    It's alright, I got it eventually...you don't want the URL from after pressing embed, the URL before. I was thinking letting iframes in would be a bad idea.
  3. Neil

    Embedding YouTube

    I'm struggling with getting this working in my post at this thread :- http://www.villatalk.com/topic/14376-this-is-it
  4. I think outside capital injection would be pie in the sky, it's a namesake at best. The club being up for sale, it just wouldn't make sense to get financial injection in return for say shares...would just make it harder to sell I'd imagine. Unless he's conceded defeat in selling, not sure how our books are but perhaps he will give the chairman / director the reigns to raise capital through external loans and other ideas - or spend anything we might already have in the kitty how they see fit. But I really doubt he's going to release control on anything that might detract from his penny pinching exercise.
  5. Can't wait for this, my house has gone completely star wars bonkers of late. Taking my boy, he's only 3 but knows all the characters and watched all the movies + lego movies, and he's well excited about it.
  6. I don't really understand what a chairman and director will do, just a name above the door to deflect heat? What is the remit "here's the keys to my club that I've squandered, you've got no money to spend...even less in the chumpionsihp, good luck".
  7. In recent years, some players moved on could make up a top 10 side.
  8. Baby steps, one thing for sure BOF was getting way ahead of himself.
  9. So now we're all on the same page, does anyone now agree with my assertion that this guy is a parasite? Litteraly sucked the life out of us
  10. You might be proven right here, I hadn't a clue and relied on my fellow villa fans to say this was the right appointment. People laugh at the prospect, but I always thought fat sam was our solution to the relegation fight on our hands - not necessarily for the long term of course.
  11. It's crazy talk to be thinking about sacking now, we've really got a proper test of what should be very winnable games to come...then we'll know. And yes, manner of going down is everything...if we can show fight all the way down to the championship then we'll already have the technical quality vs a typical championship side. IF he can't get a fight before this season is out...of which there is still half of it to go then sacking might be on the cards because he won't make it down there.
  12. Scoring more? Just to score would be nice...
  13. I'll always caveat at this stage with "its too early to say" But if he can't inspire any fight out of relegation with this team, then we'll bomb in the championship. Our choice of players will be even worse than now, and the whole season will be like a relegation battle. Gutless displays will get smashed down there
  14. To be fair, with modern day drugs AIDS can be quite manageable. There's no remedy for the villa.
  15. Even the dumbest person in the world can surely look at our situation, see yet another result of a massive ZERO goals and denounce they had nothing in the locker and that this guy is actually scoring, irrespective of what competition and may offer us more than what we have. Not making thel bench, based on what is making the bench is just starting look wholly silly.
  16. Seriously, I hope this guy knows what he's doing. You'd look at our position now, you'd consider the facts available to us and think this guy was off his rocker. But obviously he gets to see them in training, and he's a premiership manager for a reason....one would hope.
  17. Jesus, is that quote for real? You couldn't make it up...
  18. Only thing I can tell you, is he's picking some players who're doing so badly (not scoring). To the point it makes a mockery of kozak who isn't doing so badly because he scores against opposition put in front of him.
  19. We don't need problems on the pitch, we need goals and the only guy scoring ATM can't get in the side. Eat, sleep, bang head on the wall and repeat
  20. Waste my breath keep saying it, but how is he not even on the bench given our situation.
  21. He might prefer the tuna crunch?
  22. Au contraire, I haven't made any judgement and won't until the end of the season. Based on the few games, I am yet to see an overall improvement...flip flopping between 2 games is a strong indicator that not a lot has changed. I agree it's too early to tell, I just don't agree we've seen any proof of improvement.
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