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Everything posted by viivvaa66

  1. When played together with McGinn and Ramsey he looks a little bit lost. Everything was so much better today when he played with Luiz. I would love to see how a midfield of Sanson - Kamara - Luiz. Hopefully our next manager will give it a go.
  2. This thread is now sort of pointless. All we can discuss now is the date when he will be sacked, and since nobody is in the know, it will just be people guessing random dates.
  3. We should be able to Potter a pay rise he can only dream of. I’m sure we have to pay £10m or more to get Rodgers. If we pay the same to Potter it isn’t impossible he would accept the offer.
  4. I’m sure Leicester, Leeds and Fulham looking at the fixture list and thinking that Villa game, is definitely winnable.
  5. That would be perfect, get Pochettino first, he get us into top six and moves on. Then we should be able to get Potter.
  6. Maybe with the exception of Lampard
  7. Maybe do a charity thing, where some kid with cancer get to be Villa manager for the day. It least it should generate some positive publicity. I’m pretty sure they will do better than Gerrard.
  8. If Gerrard can’t get any points against a rubbish West Ham, how in the world is he getting points against anybody else. Today he lost the game when he took off Luiz. Everybody said it when he did it. It proves that he have no idea what he is doing, and that is not going to change. He is so bad that any average poster on VillaTalk would do a better job. Yes, it is a problem that people in charge do not see what have been obvious for month. Silently accepting that we are going to lose a lot of more games, is not something I’m going to do.
  9. We all know how shit Gerrard is, but nothing is going to change before the people in power starts to see the same. I hope the club announces that Gerrard is sacked either today or tomorrow, but I fear they wait until the WC break. Unlike when they sacked Smith, I don’t think they have a replacement ready. If they sack him now, it could take some weeks to get a replacement in, so I wish they sack him now and get to work getting a replacement.
  10. The big question would anybody select in?
  11. We were sort of in control. Then Gerrard took of Luiz and it the result was as everybody feared. What was he thinking, does he try to get sacked, to get the payout?
  12. 3 points after 38 games if we don’t sack Gerrard. If we cannot get any points today, there is no chance we get any points anywhere else.
  13. I get the feeling Gerrard wants to be sacked, there is no other way to explain this.
  14. You sort of contradict yourself there. I’m sure it is possible to put out a better team then what Gerrard did with our squad. He is doing the same mistakes every week hoping that one day it will work. Today I hope he is right because if we loses we could be relegated. Even if we loses badly, there is no guarantee that he will be sacked, so it’s better that we win since it could save the club.
  15. If we can’t get any of our preferred choices maybe Von Bronckhorst would be an option, at least he know how to sort out Gerrard’s mess
  16. We have hired some real rubbish, so no wonder most of them haven’t gone on to better thing. I would stay we have extended the career of some manager, when their career should be dead and buried way before they come here. If we stop hiring manager that are so bad that nobody else is going to hire them, we would no longer be a manager graveyard. Hopefully Pochettino will be our next manager, I’m sure he would move on to something better, unless he stay here for 10-20 years.
  17. I agree, but I still hope we win today. I know the standard set by the sacking of Smith was five loses in a row and your out, and the way Gerrard is managing the team it will happen at some point. Maybe he can keep himself in the job for some time by winning one game and lose 3-4 games before winning an other. That will be terrible for Villa, and I hope we can get a proper manager soon. As you said if we lose today, it is almost certain we would end up with four loses in a row in the league, because it’s unlikely we get anything from Arsenal and ManC. And most like the losing streak will continue against Leicester and Southampton, because in addition to all other problems, the any traces confidence should be dead and buried after four loses. Meaning we go into the international break with 3 points out of 24. It is just too scary, and I hope it don’t be that bad.
  18. There are enough options out there. Maybe we doesn’t find the perfect manager, but we should do a lot better than Gerrard. Some very good names have been mention in here, if we get one of those we should be able to improve. Not going for Potter when we sacked Smith but hired Gerrard, must be one of the biggest mistake the club ever made. This time a manager like Pochettino shouldn’t be to hard to spot, hopefully Purslow also manage to see it.
  19. I know it’s obvious that we need a new manager, but you know there are people that believe that the earth is flat, so it doesn’t hurt to state the facts once in a while.
  20. The point is that for every match Gerrard is in charge it cost us a lot of money.
  21. He is paid twice what we paid Smith, do not believe the board were aware that they hired a rookie manager. Hopefully they will soon rectify their horrible mistake.
  22. The premier league pays the club around £2 million extra per position, so the difference between ending up at 17 or 12 is £10 million. That is a huge amount of money.
  23. Smith rarely had an injury free Sanson to pick, and that explain why he wasn’t picked. With Gerrard you never know, he do that many strange team selection in midfield that either; 1 - Sanson is shit and doesn’t deserve to be picked 2 - He is good enough, but Gerrard pick his non performing friends instead. I guess we wouldn’t know before we get a proper manager, that would assess if Sanson is good enough or not.
  24. Dele Alli was good during Pochettino time at Spurs. Just saying
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