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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. Your comments come across like a cuckold trying to find out from her new lover what his ex is up to! They just keep leaving, don't they mate?
  2. Disagree, in the sense that at this level, they are all capable of playing well, they just don't do it nearly enough. Poor to me, implies incapable of quality. I also think Hourihane is a special case... he isn't physical enough, so often doesn't 'do enough' in games, but his crossing and shooting capabilities help him to keep his place and elevate him well above poor.
  3. No, in order to honour the most pessemistic elements of our naturally pessemistic fanbase, in the time honoured Villa fashion, we have decided to end our interest in all potential signings during this window and just see what happens. Furthermore, fans are encouraged to ignore all hopeful suggestions proferred by our manager regarding the potential for signings, he is just making it up.
  4. Decent when compared with what? Those two are clearly the best players we own, but on their day, when the team is collectively in form, as they were when Smith first came in, they all looked decent, even Hutton and Taylor, who admittedly have reverted to type of late.
  5. What is it they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder? Hell, some folk even pine for Sadam and that Hitler fella. Bring back Big Eck!
  6. It's all so typically Villa. The occasional burst of hope and good form followed by a period of sustained, complete and utter capitulation to dash those hopes. Once you understand that, it becomes easier to accept.
  7. A horrible performance that was vintage Bruce from start to finish.
  8. Defence still ropey, though improved a fraction. Midfield is the weak link now. We don't hold the ball, we don't pass quick enough, we don't look for space or create it and we ball watch. I spent that whole half screaming at the amount of room their players had to run into.
  9. That was pure Bruce style aimless, shapeless, runny, cack.
  10. Agreed, Maupay is a suitable replacement and has begged Smith to take him, so this hasn't just arisen, it's been on the cards and we have the matter in hand.
  11. Err, substitute 'Wolves' for 'Massive f****n pay rise' and you become far less emotionally invested in the outcome. That's what Tammy and every other footballer does.
  12. More likely he's been fed a line by his agent.
  13. Shame if so, he was a good source. Perhaps he's finally been outed.
  14. Is it just me or has that bloke's account just disappeared today? I know his account is locked, but I was following it before he did that.
  15. Yeah yeah, that's all very well and rational and that, but as the more emotional among us would have you remember, it's f***in garbage mate because we're Aaaaassston Villlllla, by far the greatest team, you'll ever f***in see. Yeah? Innit.
  16. Maupay basically leant forward and spread his money maker, in a cum 'n' get me plea to Smith over the weekend, so summat's oop.
  17. It was a great strike, but the player was allowed to run too far before anyone got near him. We do seem to let teams run at us lately.
  18. Spoke to a QPR fan today, who said they are worried about getting walloped because they've lost Luongo, the playmaker Sherwood wanted to sign. He's gone to Asia Cup and they struggle without him apparently. Sounds familiar, no?
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