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Everything posted by villaajax

  1. Why do the FA feel the need to punish the saviours of English football with dodgy referees?
  2. If that's not a penalty, shouldn't Agbonlahor be booked? crap referee!
  3. Did the Chelse fans turn up today? or have they all lost their voices?
  4. You young man shall be virtually slapped. Yeah, "Gi'm a slap" as Cockneys might say.
  5. Whoever that is, it's not me. I don't have a Twitter account. Are you sure? it is pretty damn convincing.
  6. Villa win + Tottenham lose = "No noise from that Glaston boy!"
  7. If they did they would be called iSponsorships, because a lower case I is cutting edge.
  8. I've been thinking ever since we signed that deal with Thomas Cook that they might become the new kit sponsor after Acorns.
  9. I have to go to a family dinner / gathering tomorrow, 2 of my cousins and one of my uncles support Chelsea, and I'm sure my gramp will give me hell even though he supports Arsenal. Think I might have to fake an illness.
  10. Yeah, because we get routed so often :bonk:
  11. Nicholas is a top 4 man so I wouldn't completley believe him.
  12. Christ, judging by Charlie Nicholas' scream I thought it was a top 4 goal.
  13. I could tell Chelsea scored by the way Charlie Nicholas screamed "GOOOAL!", if anyone outside the top 4 scores his normal response is "Yeah, goal..."
  14. Who knows with Harry? When is he due in court again anyway? On April 14th they apparently have to give thier pleas "Not guilty" "That's okay Harry, you're rich and famous so we are dropping the charges, be on your way"
  15. These polls only seem to appear after we've had a bad result which is a bit unfair. At least wait until people calm down a bit from the match so they can answer this with a clear head.
  16. Heskey is already off injured? that's the trouble with trying to use roller skates on grass.
  17. Apparently there are official Football League assessment forms available online. If you have a look at criteria for "poor and unacceptable" Phil Dowd matches it in so many games. Assessment Form Marking Criteria Would be nice if these forms were taken notice of by football's corrupt, spineless governing bodies.
  18. It was 2006, just as the two shirts were together. It was a bet with a friend of mine on the result of the England vs Holland under 21 European Championship (I think), the one where Holland won after a ridiculously long penalty shoot out. Anyway, I let him have the 90 minute draw as part of the bet because the tournament was in Holland, and as it was a draw after 90 minutes, but ultimately Holland won, the bet was kind of a draw but we both went ahead and I had to get the England shirts and as he likes Holland, he had to get Argentina shirts. I got them together on eBay for about £2 so it wsn't too bad Edit: Seems that tournament was in 2007... well either way, thats the story!
  19. I have a few... Aston Villa 1997/98 Home 1996/98 Away 2007/08 Home 2008/09 Home Ajax 2005/06 Home 2007/08 Home 2008/09 Away Holland 2002/04 Home 2004/06 Home 2006/08 Home 2006/08 Away 2008/10 Home 2008/10 Away Australia 2006/08 Home 2008/10 Home England - As a result of losing a bet 2005/07 Home 2004/06 Away
  20. Yeah, despite all the competiton :?
  21. Watch the shoot interviews, you get the truth! and yes, the Shawn Michaels part is true.
  22. She wasn't on drugs, her problems came from depression and medical problems.
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