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Everything posted by villaajax

  1. One scum supporting knuckledragger went to the same school as me. I have long hair and he snuck up behind me once and threw some gum in it, so it just goes to show you that no matter where they come from, they are all the same, sneaky filthy little clearings in the woods. That happened the day after we beat them 3-1 with Cahill scoring that scissor kick.
  2. I just wondered, do any of the chants on here ever make it to the stands? Unfortunatley due to where I live and lack of money, I'm pretty much restricted to TV and I never really hear any of the chats from this thread, and there are some great ones on here. Wish my Phil Dowd one would have taken off
  3. Depends, the sty is certainly better if you are discussing which ground is better suited to the Championship or League 1.
  4. You work in McDonalds? no must be the job center ,are they allowed to sign on in crayon? They could get jobs at the job centre itself, unfortunatley I have to sign on, being a college leaver I haven't been able to get a job yet, but anyway, the best suggestion I got from the job centre was to get a minimum wage job in London. Keep in mind I live in a small town in Oxfordshire, it would take me more than I would earn in a week for one days travel.
  5. On a side note, did anyone else notice at the start of the match, when a ball would go out of play, there would be someone ready with another ball to keep the game flowing, but towards the end of the game, there was only one ball, all the spares seemed to had gone missing.
  6. Its great when even a Frenchman can call someone imbred
  7. Well said MON!! It HAD to be said because as we've all stated it WASN'T just the penalty decision that was in question. Anyone had a response to our emails off the footballing authorities??!!! No................ thought not!!! Nothing for me either.
  8. I'm looking forward to hearing what the Soccer Saturday panel have to say tomorrow
  9. I thought the Blue Square was an online casino type thing?
  10. Seeing as Dowds bias was so blatant, I'm sure MON won't be fined and the FA will just keep quiet, as they normally do when they are in the wrong.
  11. No, it's so easy to pass, that's how I ended up running Portsmouth for a week
  12. During the 2006 World Cup, I was reading some newspaper that had pictures of the England players and my dad who isn't in to football at all but does know little bits asked me "Which one is Crouch?" and there happened to be some kind of promotional picture of Crouch and Owen together so I pointed him out and said "That's Crouch" and my dad said "Oh... I've seen this picture before, I thought he (points at Owen) was just having his picture taken with some retarded kid"
  13. Happy Birthday, General! Would you be able to call 'Broken arrow' on Phil Dowd's position? or have I been watching too many films?
  14. Not sure the name of the tune, its the one that goes with that "Premiership, you're having a laugh" that you get from the lower leagues... yeah I dont go to many games :oops: "Phil Dowd is fat as f**k, incompetant and he cost us the cup!"
  15. An extra verse for the Paul McGrath song "Dowd's a word removed my lord, Dowd's a word removed Dowd's a word removed my lord, Dowd's a word removed Dowd's a word removed my lord, Dowd's a word removed oh lord, Dowd's a word removed!"
  16. Can't we all storm down to the FA headquaters and give everyone a good kicking in?
  17. which is what I'm guessing the Officials association have done with me. anothr bunch of spineless cowering clearings in the woods
  18. I saw him too, I said to him "How do you sleep at night?" and he said "On top of a big pile of money"
  19. Thanks guys, I've been working on a little routine for the Small Heath Comedy Club... "I support Birmingham City" *waits for laughter to die down* "Zulus?" "Yeah, we normally do against the Villa!" :oops: Another thing that crossed my mind, didn't the Zulus (as in the African tribe) lose in the end? I guess it really is all in the name.
  20. What the **** is it with all their eyes? They all look cross-eyed. Imbred people tend to look a little odd.
  21. Go for it, I have sent an email, as I mentioned before to the FA Officials Association, though I doubt I'll get a response. Good luck!
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