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Everything posted by villaajax

  1. Que se ra, se ra, whatever will be will be, we got cheated at Wembley, Que se ra, se ra.
  2. I like the fact that nobody realised that I photoshopped this, I guess it is just so believable! If you look at certain logos on this image, I think you'll see
  3. Well I'd be interested to see what they have to say on the matter. Anyway I think we have every right to be upset, I mean we were robbed of a Cup, and we are not the only team that this has happened to over the years. They try to force this 'Respect' campaign on us but respect is not something that can be forced upon somebody, it has to be earnt, and how do the FA expect anyone to respect the referees when they provide us with a clown like Phil Dowd who is too incompetant and spineless to officiate such a big game in the correct manner without bowing to the pressure of the bigger team and the occasion. And as I say, it is not just in cup games or just us, it happens to too many 'smaller' clubs in too many games. English football may be the biggest in the World but it is being run by the biggest joke in the World! [/rant] Ooh, I feel a little better now.
  4. I still haven't heard back from the FA Officials Association, probably having a party courtesy of Man utd.
  5. I'd be up for that. I have emailed the FA Officials Association asking for some clarification on the rules of the game, looking forward to a response.
  6. I also notice it says 'Nad' on it, as in a single testicle?
  7. I like how the FA have no real contact information, just some kind of feedback form
  8. I'm thinking of emailing the FA to ask them about the refereeing of the match yesterday, doubt i'll get a response or any real explaination but I guess I'd just like to tell them what I think of them
  9. I missed the 'as for the two skanks' bit :oops: , though I'm sure its not the first time someone has given them a miss!
  10. Just checked that link, what language are those posts in? As for the two skanks, chlamydia anyone? Are you suggesting that these slags are so filthy that that actually speak in chlamydia?
  11. What's Poll been saying? and is that the Same Graham Poll who gave a player 3 yellow cards, missed one hell of a rugby tackle and then was forced to retire due to his lack of referring ability?
  12. Had Phil Dowd been man enough to officiate the game correctly, the result could have been different. Its very well saying that we were beaten by the better team, but had Vidic correctly been sent off, how would that work psychologically? Dowd cost us the game, the fat useless clearing in the woods.
  13. Agreed. But I seriously would not want Spurs to win that trophy. We wouldn't hear the end of it. Regardless of whether Tottenham win a trophy, thier supporters ALWAYS go on like they have won everything. Either way we have to put up with them.
  14. Unless his forehead sags over his face, then he'll have no view at all.
  15. I've been thinking, with this virus breaking out at the Tottenham training ground and with Harry Redknapp looking the way he does... are we headed for a zombie invasion!!?? "Braaaaiiiinnnnssssss!"
  16. I'd choose... the Wembley arch to fall into the stadium and crush everyone.
  17. I thought this was going to be a thread about the USA
  18. Football365 Brillaint, remember a couple of seasons back when Tottenham were challenging for Europe and on the last day of the season, half the team ate some dodgy food and got the shits and had to field a weakened team, and lost, missing out on Europe It was Champions League, even more galling when they lost to the hated West Ham and Arsenal took the place... That was it! even sweeter because my friend who supports Tottenham had been gloating and gloating for weeks about Tottenham 'inevitably' getting into the Champions League... he didn't hear the end of that one in a while!
  19. Football365 Brillaint, remember a couple of seasons back when Tottenham were challenging for Europe and on the last day of the season, half the team ate some dodgy food and got the shits and had to field a weakened team, and lost, missing out on Europe
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