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Everything posted by Bazmonkey

  1. 100% this...i think the same. It's like we are playing with 9 men. I mentioned it esrlier. I think the problem is our players are to regimented in their positions. I am a winger in staying on the wing...when really he could do with coming in a bit now and then. Norwich last night always had two three options..short passes...for some reason...wherever we get the ball the nearest player is either hutton or Taylor then hoof or on the other side of the pitch. Moment in the middle is a big issue for us...the lack of it really does stifle the play. It's a shame woods is at stoke...when he was at Brentford he ran the show everytime we played them. Someone like him could really get our attacking options playing alot better
  2. Don't buy in to the pass completion rate. How many of these passes were forward...how many were defence splitting. Yes he gets in a block and an interception now and then....great. Too slow and can't move...need to move on...slows the play down too much...spends most of the game pointing at players because he can't get there...his first movement is always backwards with or without the ball
  3. Some good points in the post above. I think the playing style Smith wants to play is beyond the level of some of the players we have...especially in midfield. The defence and attack are actually not that bad...the midfield is a concern. We have midfielders who are to ridgid in their positions...adomah will always sit on the touch line...whealan will always sit in the middle. Norwich's midfield were more mobile last night...always having two three options 10 or 15 yards away..we for most of the game have one...long or the hoof ball. This often leads the play down dead ends. If the fitness is a problem then this will come in time...though..as sky pointed out we have to many seniors..theres only so much you can get out of them regarding how fit they are. .younger more mobile players are needed...this would help the midfield be more mobile and improve our play...i looked at most of the Norwich team last night and it was the little things that made them look good...one touch football...beating a player...playing in triangles...moving with the ball rather than ball just moving. Only mistake I thought Smith mad was Hogan on instead of kodjia...hogan is not a one man up front
  4. What sums him up is late on a simple ball over the top from Bristol and he messes it up. Any player with a bit of composure would have taken a touch then played for safety further up the pitch...what did he do...try and volley it out on the bounce...hits his shin and goes out for throw near the corner. Poor in any position...these are the sort of players that will not make us progress
  5. Just throwing it out there....a mate said he saw Chris Wilder at the Radisson in town last night....sheff utd don't have a fixture round here this week??????
  6. Give him the service..he will score. Something which I worry about...too much hoof ball.
  7. Absolutely this. Doesn't help only having three in midfield with him being one...the other the immobile Whelan in front of the back four leaving either adomah on one wing or elmo on other which can be some 60 yards away depending on where he picks up the ball...theres no upfront option as kodjia is marked out the game most of the time
  8. Probably why he didn't play last night...missed opportunity with this one
  9. Absolutely...been saying this for two years...this lad can play and would bring the gaps in the midfield closer to the forwards....have we got 7m though
  10. Killing our midfield...slows everything down...beaten for pace all the time...offers nothing going forward. Last night he just watched his pass never followed it and spent it pointing and players to get across because he can't. In the first half he did a pass to Tuanzebe and just stood there...tuanzebe gave it back taking out the attacker and Whelan looked surprised...in the end he ran on to it and we were away... Whelan should be brought on late on when we are protecting a lead and under pressure. Grealish came on...though I know he's not grealish but when he made a pass he followed it or looked for a return..our play for better in the second half...why....movement. There's plenty of DM out there who younger fitter and offer more than a block tackle now and then
  11. I think he will go..his reaction Monday said it all...hope he stays and we can build a team with him in it. Though...i wonder if he wants to go to spurs and is thinking it through. With alli Eriksson in front of him will he get many games. The lure of champions league and new ground sounds appealing but if you look at spurs are they just the bridesmaid never the bride club. Walker...left for more money more chance of winning things...rose the same...their wage structure may be their downfall as the likes of Kane Eriksson alli maybe be tempted by interest if they don't start winning things...if they do go...where will spurs be...cant buy success as they will be paying for the ground for next 10 years. Maybe he might stay????
  12. Same set up same performance. Great we got a win after the summer we have had but as someone said earlier playing like this will not always work and is more likely to cost us against better teams. Hull were poor but for better finishing and the result could have been different. The midfield needs life and energy in the middle...not the wings but in the centre...regardless what formation Bruce puts out we effectively play with 3 in the middle. One of which is Whelan who looks like he will pass out if he moves more than 10 yards. Too many times last night and last season the midfield are over run...whelan and hourihane naturally sit deep so its no wonder there's no option to go long and hoof it. I think we would be better with a five man midfield but in a 2 and 3...support for back four but more importantly support in attack.
  13. Jack's face says it all. Been like it all game...just hasn't looked his normal self.
  14. Commentator...pass splits the midfield What's he watching...midfield has been missing since the game started
  15. If only this team had movement and composure
  16. Is that the woods from Brentford? Good player..bossed every game we played against them...keeps the ball moving but importantly keeps moving himself. Would love to see him sign...doubt he will
  17. The thing is it's Bruce with the task of identifying players something which he struggles with. Plus we won't be going anyway with him...though with him we have better chance. The lack of news coming from either player or club is slightly worrying. If we need to sell then sell...it was 20 mil when we were in trouble and it's still 20 mil is now, according to reports. If we don't need to sell...say it...then it's the players choice not ours if he wants the move. Would love him to stay but if he goes he goes he goes. Good luck to him, no doubt he will be in the England squad soon playing for one of the media darlings. It happened with Barry Milner downing young...move to a big club all of sudden they are great players
  18. Hard to have any movement when we the ball when most of the players are behind the ball due to the defensive set up..5 at the back and Whelan in the middle that's 7 defensive minded players
  19. As much as I want someone else in who can build a team with youth and play better football which is not Bruce's remit, I think they will keep him, but only for a year. With it being so close to the start of the season I think the new owners don't want to cause too much disruption. I'd like to think they area good business men and they will see next season as one to keep it steady, get over the FFP issues then next summer tell him thanks bit no thanks and start with no financial issues and get someone else in. Having seen most of the games and Burton on Sat this will another year of turgid football relying on talent to win games. Next may we will finish near the bottom of the top half, Bruce will go, new manager, new players, new money sponsors or kit, old players contracts gone so a push for promotion 2019/20 can happen
  20. The obvious choice would be someone who knows football and the dealings that go with it. We need a CEO who can basically negotiate well The likes of Hogan lansbury and a few others were nowhere near what they on now at their club. This is when wyness should have said no to these players. Hogan was probably on 10k at Brentford...wyness should have said Scott.. you can have 15k or go back to Brentford. Maybe if he did this to a few of the other players...the problem we have now wouldn't be as bad if we did this better.
  21. Got it...i don' think we have made 45 mil profit this year. If we to find 45 mil why is Tony letting some local chap design our shirts and not get a bigger name (no disrespect) and sponsor to soften the blow rather than sell our main asset
  22. Can someone just clarify what this 45 mil is... Is it to balance the the books....get back to 0.00....we owe 45 mil to someone or something...we need 45 to pay for what we have left
  23. In light of the recent statement from Tony with club now having to cut its cloth accordingly I think whether he stays or goes we are going to be in this division for a few more years. Bruce has done a good job in turning what was a losing mentality in the dressing room to a winning and more closer group of players within one win of the promise land. However, i feel he has hit the glass ceiling with us as I don' think he has the tactical ability nor for finding the right players to give a run for going up a serious challenge. Three more teams have come down with wanting to compete straight away. Add in the teams that just missed out derby Boro milwall etc it' going to be tough. If we were able to keep the same team and add maybe two or three players I would be inclined to give him one more year but we haven't. The club faces big changes this summer I just don' have the faith in current set up to make it any better. I think a new manager new backroom staff and whatever wyness is is needed. To be competitive we can't rely on individual talent to win games like this year. It's be mentioned in this topic and others but need someone who can get a tune out the current players and find new players to fit...if it' a wolves way..great...if its a Cardiff way...who cares...its about results and going up. I'e seem to many games this year when square pegs have been put in round roles...no tactics...basic mistakes...booting the ball nowhere..no composure...cant take a throw in...and the worse...setting up with defensive midfielder at home and from the start of the game allowing teams to come on...we have at times played some good stuff but a game is 90 mins not 20 or so. These managers and backroom staff are out there...wolves found one and ended up getting in good players for about the same money as we have spent...young ...good players....not over 30's from premiership teams who have been in relegation battles...elmo...whelan...jedniak...we cant expect these players to play football when for years they havent...having said that Snodgrass and Terry were good additions and it showed in terry's leadership and Snodgrass' early form. Fortunately I feel it' been a waste of two years and now with ffp it might be another another two years before we see the benefits of whatever we decide to do. Tony has a big decision...either way come August I'll be behind who and whatever team goes out and we go again. UTV
  24. Villas main problem over the years is the lack of movement in the midfield and unfortunately Whelan is not helping the situation He' lack of mobility often results in the ball going out to the full backs and them hoofing it long as there's no option inside. Likewise when we attack there's no option for an easy pass backwards because he sits too deep because he can't afford to be to high up the pitch as he can' get back Yes he gets a tackle in and a block now and then but he' passing and decision making is poor. He had a head in the first min from a Forrest long ball and instead of cushioning the header to grealish I think it was it went over him to a Forrest player and with one pass took him and grealish out of the game. Gets done for pace too much and often ends up 2 yards in front of the back 4 on the 18 yard box. As a midfield i think we are one good player from a decent midfield that will produce better football and more attaking options.a more mobile player would help this. Someone like woods from Brentford thinks always mobile, making passes, giving an outlet watched him play three times and has always pulled the strings against us. There's one from staff utd but cant think of his name. Thor came on and the midfield looked more mobile...maybe a string of games with him playing there might help????
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