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Everything posted by tomh621

  1. BBC Sport's Pat Murphy: "Aston Villa have made an undisclosed bid for Real Sociedad attacking midfielder Sergio Canales. "Formerly at Real Madrid, Canales was a half-time substitute for Real Sociedad in their game against his former team. Madrid were leading 2-0 at the break, but Sociedad ran out 4-2 winners with Canales laying on the fourth goal. "Villa's bid does not mean their interest in Tom Cleverley is over - but that one's now with the player's camp."
  2. Transfer deadline day always kills me. Im not working, sat in my pants at home with a pizza, with my eyes glued to BBC football page. Twitter rumors here there and **** everywhere along with every other media outlet. I can't take it i tells ya! PS. But if anyone asks I'm definitely ill…...
  3. 84 potential rating on fifa he must be incredible.
  4. Used to play for Real Madrid, was very highly rated. bit injury prone though IIRC. Good passing on Fifa apparently ahhaha! http://www.futhead.com/14/career-mode/players/7072/sergio-canales/
  5. Andre is the younger one isn't he? Plays for Ghana and Marseille? Had an alright world cup
  6. Yeah that would be a great summer. I'd be very excited. Genuinely excited though not the kind of excited I've been used to for years where i just make myself feel better and get hopeful.
  7. How the hell do you post pictures?!?
  8. No you won't, you shouldn't go out when you're not feeling well *Hint hint* Funny that… I've not been feeling well either….
  9. I reckon we'll get someone in but no idea who. Maybe Cleverley? Maybe a last minute loan if not…? Dunno. I think we'll deffo bring one more in loan or buy.
  10. Linked with Gnabry on loan i read it in the paper but can't remember which one or when …. aha!
  11. I rate that guy so much (not that it means **** all when i say it haha!) he's quality
  12. As well as Torres leaving? If they do then it would be a really good signing. They've activated his release clause which is 8. something million
  13. Just saw on the BBC gossip section that "Hatem Ben Arfa is a target for championship side Brimingham City hahahaha. Obviously won't happen.
  14. No club in thier right mind would release how much they have to spend to the world. Prices will go up on that fact alone. Not only that but who gives someone 30 million with 2 days of the window left….
  15. LOL no chance in hell Walcott will ever play for this club. And Townsend had that good run of form last season which makes me think spurs would inflate his price. Would definitely have him though.
  16. It was a joke. It's not really about Cleverley per se - I just don't get why Holtby is so highly rated. I dont think i mentioned Holtby at all? I just posted a link and pointed out the overflowing midfield they have…. I don't really much about Holtby except people seem to think he is wasted at spurs, played well before then and that there was gossip that spurs were willing to let him go for cheap
  17. Spurs just signed ANOTHER midfielder. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28992064 Well he's got a medical which is pretty promising. Surely they're gunna offload soon.
  18. He's actually going now? Officially? For how much?
  19. Names? Viktor Fischer (Norwegian but plays for Ajax), Bakkali, Depay, Vilhenna, Maher, Daley Blind, Lestienne, Malanda, Willems etc.
  20. So since we've apparently got money now can we go pinch some of the mad talent at Ajax, PSV and other places with Dutch/Belgian wonder kids? Yay thanks Lambert.
  21. You do have to ask if he's so shit why did United, who aim to be one of the best teams in the world, play him so much? After thinking about it a little bit, rather than just jumping on the "Tom Cleverley is shit" bandwagon, i think he'd be alright here. But not for 8 million. More like 4. He's obviously rated by some incredibly experienced and talented players, coaches and managers and has the minutes to show for it. Unfortunately United declined and fans need someone or something to vent on. I bet every time he made a mistake that just cemented the chinese whisper going around Old Trafford that he was shite. Did well before he came to United and apparently played out of position when he was there (better options obviously). Also United have been in gradual decline and its pretty **** harsh to pin all that on poor tom lad. Anyhow. If he comes then full support from me! Also id like to add that I've met so many united fans who know absolutely **** all about football, let alone other teams so i always take their comments with a pinch of salt.
  22. If he comes it won't be for 8 mil in my humble opinion. How can United and the fans want rid of him so badly and ask for 8 MILLION for a player they can't wait to see the back of cos they think he's shit?! Ridiculous.
  23. I reckon the opposite - you wouldn't buy a new kitchen if you were in the process of selling your house. Not remotely true - it would increase the value of the property and loads of people renovate homes then sell or rent them for profit. But i see what you're trying to say.
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