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Everything posted by TB

  1. Isn't there a vast difference between ( a ) someone being confused, ( b ) someone feeling confused and ( c ) there being confusion over something?
  2. TB

    Rudy Gestede

    I'd have anyone on the bench over Richards. Unless he is picked for every single bench in every single Villa game from U13 upwards and is told to do a lengthy warm-up routine twice every match without ever being substituted.
  3. Vast difference between 'transfer not happening due to failed medical' and 'transfer failed as the player didn't want to move due to personal reasons'. A possible transfer between Rangers and Villa, both in the UK. Mis-translation? How, exactly?
  4. TB

    Carles Gil

    An excellent example of Google Translate trying to translate into English, but failing utterly. Where do Gibbers live? They'd understand....
  5. TB

    Mile Jedinak

    I'd say there's a possibility that he uses Mile simply because that's his real name amongst family and friends. Not the first time proud parents decides on a name for their newborn, but then officially register the child with a similar name that wouldn't seem out of place in a 'new' country (even after several generations),.
  6. I think the problem might be that TV rights for Premier League and Champion's (and runners-up's) League have become too expensive, so TV channels are cost-cutting. Championship football rights are offered bundled with League One, FA & League Cup and Charity Shield as a single package. All or nothing at all, at least in Norway.
  7. Here's hoping your mates get what they want.
  8. TB

    Mile Jedinak

    You certainly did. Not just once, but twice on the 14th of March. https://www.villatalk.com/topic/4026-jack-grealish/?do=findComment&comment=1911888 https://www.villatalk.com/topic/14183-the-rémi-garde-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1911881
  9. Which type? Harlequin, Blackface, Whiteface, Pierrot, Jester? And why, exactly? A freak goal today. It happens, even to the best 'keepers. If he was all over the shop in his games this far I'd agree. And it takes some time to get a pair of CBs and a GK to learn how to communicate with each other. They've hardly had that. At some point in time, Villa might have to replace him. But then again, that goes for everyone on the squad. Still early days...
  10. How will having the Villa keeper neutered benefit the team? Are we embarking on a long-term breeding program?
  11. OK. You thought CAN was every other even year. Sorry, but that's odd....
  12. The biggest screw-up last year (IMO) was allowing the 'manager' to bring in some players he'd like, while at the same time buying players from abroad that he obviously didn't like or wanted in his squad, and thus he didn't want to integrate them into his first eleven. Oh, I know that at the time they were announced, he claimed that he wanted them all and had been aware of them for years... But he was very busy washing his hands afterwards. Then, having a squad with an obvious 'us and them' / English vs French divide, the club decides to go for a French manager. Regardless of Garde's ability, I believe a manager of any other nationality would have had a better chance of making the squad gel. Another big screw-up. Black as a manager? That's not a screw-up. That's just nuts.
  13. Someone at another Villa forum said that Bacuna's house was full of Villa stuff and that he had become somewhat of a Villa nut since joining. As for his (and Okore's, for that matter) alleged quotes - I refer to my last post. Any positive news pertaining to Villa is likely to be dismissed, but any negative news is accepted. I just don't get it.
  14. I just cannot fathom why any newspaper (paper or online) is accepted as the gospel truth when any Villa player is mentioned in any way that just possibly might lend itself to criticise said player. While on the other hand, any positive news is dismissed out of hand as 'only the (insert media source here)'. I know I'm repeating myself here, but I still believe that your average journalist is someone taught to separate the wheat from the chaff. And then prints the chaff.
  15. I'd like to know the odds of being greeted by a total stranger that apparently knew one of those other 5 well. Quite a bewildering experience.
  16. TB

    Mile Jedinak

    Tw*tter. The good thing about the 'net: anyone can post. The bad thing about the 'net: anyone can post...
  17. Until proven otherwise I believe that he has currently been removed from the line of fire, and that RDM might find some use for him in the future.
  18. TB

    Mile Jedinak

    No link in Craigy1874's post, at least. I'd like to read the interview, though. Any links anywhere? That said, I only trust online / paper journos as far as I can throw them.
  19. TB

    Mile Jedinak

    Pffft. Papers. London papers, at that. A journo (in general) is someone who spends a couple of years learning to separate the wheat from the chaff. And then prints the chaff.
  20. Fiat! (In Latin) = Make it happen. Probably the best motto for Villa ATM.
  21. Perhaps we should continue this conversation somewhere else? I've searched, but I cannot find a pertinent OT topic. I'd really like to be able to discuss the English language in general without going OT in any particular thread. Ethymology, grammar, misuse, misspelling, puns... If there's an existing thread I'd appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.
  22. TB

    Mile Jedinak

    (Caveat: Norwegian trying to understand a Chinese writing in English): If a player really wants to join Villa no-one will be able to hijack the move. If a player currently at Villa isn't committed to stay, the club cannot/won't keep him.
  23. So no Brummie should become a judge or magistrate?
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