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Everything posted by RichardCanning

  1. Van Gaal, I just reckon Mike Ashley will throw money at him and he'll come
  2. According to some I'm an MI5 agent so it would be fairly obvious which confessions were mine in said thread
  3. Open the box, but that I mean I wouldn't be taking the money. Couldn't live with myself, I have serious guilt issues
  4. Cheers Pete a balanced and enthralling read as always. By sounds you enjoyed it as did the other travellers. Roll on Blackburn and a better performance hopefully although I'd take the same result no matter what happens
  5. Steve Coppell's post match interview today was comedy. Said that people linking him with the job keep putting an o on the end of his name. Said he'd happily do it alongisde Reading job till World Cup qualifiers begin and to give the FA more time to choose in the hope they actually get it right.
  6. Comedy If this is true it makes you how deluded the SHA board are, do they honestly believe they could get Redknapp?
  7. General, Is the third kit's lifespan only a year? If so do you not think this looks a bit ruthless on the profiteering front that a shirt that is very rarely going to be worn this season is released in mid November only to be changed in May. I know it is the choice of the fan whether to purchase it but the pressure of putting said shirt out there is a bit cheeky or do you not agree?
  8. Reckon it'll be between Black, Coleman and Jewell. The SHA board aren't stupid and know the crowd reaction that would go with the appointment of the likes of Souness, Wilkinson and Reid. Unsure if Jewell would take it leaving Black (how many assistant to manager promotions have worked) and Coleman (who hardly set the world alight at Fulham). Looking forward to their confirmed relegation when we have 3 more points off them in April
  9. Such a witty play on words. But really was there any need? Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
  10. Platt runs him close, as soon as he said Villa look most liekly to win the game against man Citeh at half time I nearly popped over the bookies to put money on Sven's bunch, just everything Platt says the entire opposite happens!
  11. Nah Ian that was Phillips a couple of years ago
  12. Sssh we're not allowed to be positive round these parts. Next you'll note that the only sides to have beaten us in the league are in the top 4
  13. 21 points from 12 games when we're not playing particularly fluently and as many people were keen to point out we don't have a right back. Keep it up MON and the boys you're doing a great job. Good win today playing the better football 1st half, then showing real balls to hold solid when SHA threw the kitchen sink and the the composure to steal the winner.
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