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Everything posted by P3te

  1. Best would likely do a better job things by for under half the wages and a small transfer fee of we're being honest about it. If we were to be selling gabby I'd happily have best in as our bench man with bent and Weimann taking the first 2 attacking positions What kind if money is being bandied about for the trio? If we could get then for £6m or less i think itd be a super bit of business once they weren't being signed as cast iron starters or anything. Sure in wages the 3 of them wouldn't cost much more than heskey on his own
  2. simpson and guthrie would be reasonably decent signings if they were on 20k max wages
  3. collins is shite, and a troublemaker, so no loss there however where on earth have you heard lerner wants another 10 players off the wage bill? are we only going to pay a first xi or something? My source works at Villa Park whom I wont reveal, however dont assume that this will all be senior players, some will be the younger first team members, i don't buy that for a second our first team squad consists of 30 players. of those 30 players: 1 is a loan from spurs leaving at the end of the season 1 is going to have to retire due to illness 4 are out of contract at the end of the season 6 have started less than 10 league games in their whole careers i really don't think we can afford to cut 10 players unless we're cutting the 10 weakest and replacing them with 8 better players
  4. I had the same argument with a collegue , Carroll would have gone for far less if Liverpool hadn't sold Torres for £50 mil.I do think they over paid for Henderson and Downing as well but all 3 came at a premuim for being English. All 3 of them are also shite. yeah, downing was dire last year wasnt he
  5. collins is shite, and a troublemaker, so no loss there however where on earth have you heard lerner wants another 10 players off the wage bill? are we only going to pay a first xi or something?
  6. how is burke looking? ready to step up? is he likely to have a chance at making it? same questions re drennan too actually
  7. he's been here 3 1/2 years and has rarely played in position, what makes you think we'd suddenly start now when he's older and worse than ever?
  8. i wouldn't be averse to taking martinez's 3-4-3 approach and lining up something like this, though maybe with a more senior player than herd in there, and a replacement for albrighton, a new lm and possibly a new starting cb. that said, it's far too attacking for mcleish... -----------------------given--------------------- ----lichaj-------------dunne----------clark---- albrighton-------herd-----ireland------new lm ----------holman-----bent----nzogbia---------
  9. no whats the point in playing a shite striker out of position, even if you're paying him nothing
  10. P3te


    found my jogging pace tonight and managed to run just over 3km out of my 6.5km loop. found the running a lot easier and could go for a lot longer with that pace, though im avoiding running up hills at the moment til i build a bit of stamina my target is running the full 6.5km loop in 30 mins without stopping by the end of july, which should definitely be attainable i would assume. did it running/walking in 44 mins today, so i assume knocking 14 minutes off that shouldn't be a problem if im running the whole thing
  11. course hes talking up being here next season.... Look at the comments Mcallister made this time last year too
  12. we have creativity, what we lack is the solid base behind it to let it shine
  13. get hughton in good young manager with a good record and, shock horror, premiership experience. it'll also prove where mcleish came from had **** all with how he was received
  14. the problem with the above post is that we didnt really sign "better players" for the most part
  15. P3te


    its almost 100 pages tho!
  16. but when mon was there lerner WASNT involved in making footballing decisions. o'neill was responsible for that. lerner was told who mon wanted, and he signed off on it
  17. but lerner doesnt know the kind of players they are. he's not a football man. that's what he's got the manager there for, to do that kind of work and tell him who the best suited players for the club to buy are
  18. lerner's job isn't to manage the team or identify targets. that's the managers job, and it should only ever be the managers job. the only question is whether the owner trusts the manager to do that job. if he doesnt, he needs to be replaced the problem wasnt that lerner trusted o'neill, it's that o'neill completely ballsed things up financially with that trust. had he made better signings, or even spent less on the same signings, we wouldn't have the problems we have now. it's one of those things though, we can't do anything about it now. i don't buy the lerner hating because of it though, had he NOT backed mon, or interfered on signings we'd have had a forum full of people saying that he was a shit chairman for poking his nose in let's remember, for 4 years most people thought he was a shining light in how to be a chairman. he put his hand in his pocket, he trusted the manager and he didnt interfere
  19. lerner didnt sign him Huh? O'Neill signed him but it was Lerner that was clueless enough to agree to paying Heskey those sort of wages. martin o'neill was employed as the manager, and as such the owner trusted his judgement on players. if mon convinced lerner that heskey was the man for the job, then lerner's job was to open the cheque book and bring him aboard
  20. lerner didnt sign him, and you can be sure as **** that he wouldve been told that heskey was the final piece in the jigsaw to get us the champions league and that he was worth every penny of the wages we offered him the strange thing is that surely he'd have joined us for a lot less like. why did mon decide that 60k was reasonable. he was 31 and playing with wigan ffs, 40k would still have been a bit much from the club's point of view but surely he'd have taken it
  21. P3te


    so tonight i went for a run. it was my first run since i had to give up football through injury 11 years ago, and most of it was a walk (although fairly brisk, i have a walking speed of 7.5-8km/h), but of the 6.5km i did, there was about 2km running in there. im genuinely proud of myself, because for years i was using the fact that i have a dodgy foot to avoid running, and instead i focused on walking. now, im damn good at walking, but i slipped on that front for the last 18 months and put a load of weight back on, so im only getting back into that side of things now. i used to do about 25-30km a day over 3 sessions, now im starting back at 1 or 2 6.5km sessions a day. so back to the running, i have some serious beginner questions first, and most retarded, one is how long does it take to get semi decent at this crap? tonight i was literally able to run for about 90 seconds before having to walk for 5 minutes to catch my breath again. now i assume that's terrible, but is the whole running thing somewhere you see improvement quickly? because that would be tremendously helpful in motivating me. second, and most pertinent, one is how do i stop my nipples from chafing, because **** me that is painful thirdly, and most baffling, one is the fact that i don't appear to be able to jog. you know that really slow jog that people do when you see them out of a sunday morning? i can't do it. im 6'6 with very long, powerful legs, and the teensy tiny little step jogging doesn't work for me. is it possible to learn how to do that? or is there a natural run speed for everyone? my issue may be that im running too fast and knackering myself too quickly, but if i keep up at that pace will i get used to it and improve my stamina all the time? or do i really have to figure out how to jog? cheers all!
  22. A pattern is emerging. Every year we lose a key player (or sometimes two). 2009 - Barry 2010 - Milner 2011 - Young & Downing 2012 - Bent? Strangely enough they seem to all be years that Lerner has been the owner. Mmmm.......? he took over in 2006 you know and every one of the players who left turned down new contracts and insisted they wanted to move elsewhere
  23. The players have been shit and we need new players The manager has been shit and we need a new manager New players under a shit manager won't yield much of an improvement, but new players and old players under a new manager will mean much more opportunity to progress the club. It's not hard to figure as much out If mcleish is being undermined by senior players that just proves he's not cut out to be a manager at our level
  24. but cuellar's on the lowest wages out of those 3, and is arguably the best centre back in the club. plus if we're going to try to move collins and dunne on, why not just tie up carlos No certainty that anyone will go in for Dunne or Collins, if one of them was out of contract they would be going. I think you're missing the fact that he now needs to be replaced though... And well never manage that for anything close to the money it wouldn't cost just to renew him. At around £33k a week according to reports he's the only defender we have who was earning a fair amount. A 3 year extension would've cost us £5.15m... A replacement will cost that in terms of transfer and signing on fees alone
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