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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. People who say "nom nom nom" when describing a particular favourite food.....what....are you all 3 yrs old again ????
  2. What's that striker in the dutch league....swedish bloke...Toivenen ? Plays for PSV if i remember rightly. Seen a few clips of him....seems to be able to put himself about plenty. No links to any interest from anywhere but could be worth a punt. Anyone else know who i mean ?
  3. Those who dont flush after dropping the kids off at the pool......public toilets, obviously...esp, those at my place of work. You've just took a huge dump, made yer eyes water, so how can you forget to pull the chain a few seconds later ?? Deliberate by some I bet. rocket polishers.
  4. That annoying bloke at edgbaston cricket ground, telling me every 5 minutes to "get behnd the Beeeeaaarrrss !!! " at the T20 game I went to recently. I believe BRMB or Free radio station supply said announcer but mate, shut the **** up ! I know its a 20/20 game...I know there's just been a wicket and I know who the home team is !!! I guess its just another DJ-related, " I love the sound of my own voice" type rant but honestly, we aint all sheep, so stop trying to "whoop up" the atmosphere in a ground that had about 800 inside it, cos there aint gonna be any to "whoop".
  5. At work there's a new regime of dickhead managment who have rolled out various new schemes, including an inhouse training program (cheaper than paying for external !) where we learn other teams' jobs to a basic level.....anyway the annoying phrase they use is "buying in"...as in "I dont think you're buying in to this scheme, Malcolm "...does my head in, especially as i hear it more & more in every day life. **** off !
  6. The day Citeh won the title, radio 5 were doing a phone in on the night & there was a local journo who followed citeh for 30 yrs & also did bbc radio manchester commentaries on them....anyway, fans were phoning in saying "typical citeh, they always do it to us this way !" and so on....the journo was chipping in with his own memories....then the presenter said "and on the line to give us the other point of view is Terry Christian " Fvck me, how could i not put his name on this thread before now ??? What an absolute obnoxious tool he was, even more sneery than usual ! Get this, saying how all the citeh fans phoning in were glory hunters :shock: from all over the country !!! He also had a right pop at the journo for daring to come from stockport & follow citeh !! There was a man ure fan (from Bristol) on the line at the same time as Tel the prick who was congratulating citeh. Christian once again sneered "yeah, you're really a citeh fan, ya mug!" He wouldnt have it. This went on for about 10 minutes, totally obnoxious, ungraceful stuff from Christian, unless he was ordered before coming on air to be objectionable....but i doubt it.
  7. David Unsworth.....oh, wait :?
  8. Peter Stringfellow......a piss-poor, happy shopper version of Hugh Hefner.
  9. I'll see your Tim Lovejoy & raise you an Andy Goldstein. Total tool & a cockney manure fan. Need I say more ?
  10. Pure gash - again. Sunderland made the more positive substitutions towards the end. Looks like we were happy for a point, perhaps ? **** off McLunge.
  11. You're welcome ! You've recalled some great memories there too...especially the school ones. I went to school across Aston park & many a lunchtime we'd go over to the old reception in the vain hope of an autograph......vain ? what am i saying ?? It was no problem at all. I always remember bagging brian little's autograph and me actually touching his thumb as he passed my pen back to me !! Also, Keith Leonard's missus watching in complete but happy amazement as we pestered Keith to sign, whilst sitting in his car. He was only too happy to oblige. One more for you......being on the holte when Dennis Mortimer burst through v Liverpool to score the 2nd goal...and how totally mental we all went on the terrace....and genuinely happy he looked as he ran alongside us celebrating.
  12. Yeah, i do. Sung by "comedian" dave ismay. Used to be a matchday hospitality host, might still be. Bumped in to him a few times in my role as security blazer boy in north stand. Arrogant as ****, wouldnt mind if he had the talent to back it up with.
  13. I got to thinking last night about my youth and the Villa....memories of certain things that will never leave me, so here goes a few of em : - 3pm kick off on a winter's afternoon....half way through the second half, the A V floodlights kicking in, twinkling against the slate grey sky, pigeons fluttering off them as they warm up. - Having a crap view of the game from the Holte until we score, a mad surge and you end up 10 yards away from your mates, but now with a better view ! - Same crush in the Holte, no room to move, a fat drunk bloke behind you declares loudly he needs a piss....then as if by magic a 5 yard gap appears all around him ! The theme from an "unfinished silent movie" (Hurricane Smith) as players warmed up. Music supplied by Andy Cash records of erdington. - Cigar smoke drifting across and its lingering smell.....(and I dont even smoke) - Geezer in front of you, with a transistor radio, letting you know the other scores. (Who needed smart phones !) - Or, checking the scores as they were put up at half time - each game had a letter reference. Game A was Liverpool v Cov, game B was Forest v man city... - Chanting "Sid Sid Sid !" before the match as he warmed up by the left corner flag, but I dont ever recall Mr Cowans even acknowledging us ! - Singing "seats aggro" if the trinity road posh boys got outraged at the ref. As you can work out, these were recalled from my days standing on the Holte. I've tried to leave out stuff like on the way to the game/after the game & just tried to keep it of memories inside VP. I realise this thread might appeal to those of a certain age !
  14. Scrawny, pikey yoofs hanging around local stores like Tesco, scowling at passers by. Walked past a few of these heroes last wed night, pissing down with rain. There they were, slumped up against the window of Tesco, sharing a cigarette. All no older than 16. I mean, its cold, raining, you're not actually doing anything, just "hanging out", givin it the ol James Dean. What's the point ? All dressed the same. One tried to stare me out so I returned the favour then burst out laughing & said "Prick !!" If it hadnt been for my 6 stone weight advantage I'm sure he would've taught me a lesson for dissin' him in front of his "dawgs", innit ? Instead, he just gave me his best scowl & one of those spits on the ground....you know the ones...a tiny amount of gob comes out.....for ****'s sake if you're gonna gob, do it justice, not a pea size amount that slowly arcs to the ground !
  15. mottaloo

    Fuel watch

    On the one hand I refuse to panic buy....but I just know I'll be drawn in to it eventually. Folk remember what it was like in 2000 & I guess dont fancy it again. Herd mentality at the moment, from the looks of it.
  16. Probably been posted before but cant be arsed to search.... Radio DJs who talk over records with inane dribble about themselves usually......and THEN jump in again before end of same classic tune i havent heard for ages, for more dribble, telling us all "what a great track I've just played for you all !!" SHUT THE **** UP !!!! Worse still, those breakfast boy/girl radio shows........so smug & false.....honestly, dont you all realise you're all ten-a-penny, so dont go around larging yourselves up as celebrities, cos in 2 yrs time you'll be on the game or making celeb appearances at B&Q's latest store opening in small heath, if you'rte lucky. rocket polishers, the lot of em !
  17. When you let an oncoming driver through & they dont acknowledge your courtesy...even worse, the ones who glare at you as they drive through. Is it too much to ask to raise your hand in appreciation ? Apparently, yes it is.
  18. Start of october for 3 wks, from bhx if i can help it. Perhaps i might have to go from lhr or man
  19. Have been running the usual checks on recommended sites, netflights, skyscanner and so on but no matter where i look i cant get a flight to Perth WA for less than £1100, cattle class...........3 years since I last went & its gone up by £400 !! Are there TRULY any proper sites that wont take the piss ? I dont want to leave it to last minute - am hoping to go in october - but no matter where i look its just too expensive. Appreciate the help lads (and lasses).
  20. Folk who smoke right outside entrances to hospitals. Dont they even see the irony ?
  21. My bro used to work the holte suite a few years ago & at half time they had to pop down to help the kiosk staff......and they DID pre pour loads of pints up to 10 minutes before the shutters went up. Now, I dont know about you but being given a pint that had been poured 15 minutes ago dont really appeal..I'd rather wait for a fresh one to be dispensed from the pump, however I do see your point. Speed of service aint always the best at VP.
  22. I was delighted when I found out she's recently done a topless scene. In what? I ask casually and in passing. I won't frantically track down said episode/film as soon as you tell me ... I saw a still image from it. They were rather disappointing, huge but horrendously low hanging with rather unattractive nips. Still would though. I saw the video clip from tcmag.com (but they have took it off now), where she gets undressed before some lucky bastard has a rummage from behind. True, said norks are a bit floppy but over all I would have a dabble - I'm sure she'll be pleased to get my approval !
  23. Blokes who, when having their photo taken with their other half, ALWAYS give the moody, unsmiling look to the camera whilst all around are taking the snap for what it is - cheesey smile time, cos everyone is having a good time in the pub, bar, on holiday...and so on. Look, you havent just had your wisdom teeth out, been sacked or stung on the arse by a pissed off wasp so stop trying to look all mean and moody & fckin smile for the camera !!!
  24. My bro who worked at vodafone, once sold a re conditioned iphone to Guillaume Balague.....the cheapskate didnt want to pay the extra for a new one This is fact ! No ?
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